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My skin has always been my weak point, ever since the first symptoms of acne appeared on my face at twelve years old. Years of worrying and searching for solutions led me to study as a cosmetologist, and thanks to that, I always had access to the best creams, products, procedures, and information. The things that have worked for me were watching my diet (less over-processed, fried, or spicy foods, a strict regimen with limited coffee and alcohol, and more herbal teas and plant-based foods). Properly-performed mechanical cleaning also had a visible effect on my skin.

Despite access to all this information, treatments, and creams, even at the age of 32, I was not completely rid of bouts of acne and oily skin. The worst was over, but my skin didn’t look good at all. My skin was porous, very oily, easily irritated, and reddened. I did acid peels once a month and used a moisturising SPF 50 cream daily!

The Breaking Point

In the spring of 2022, a rough layer of skin appeared on my face, particularly on my forehead, along with lots of tiny pimples. These did not disappear after acid peels or squeezing. I started to worry that I might have rosacea. In the summer of the same year, I stopped using any skincare products at all, as I felt my skin couldn’t handle anything anymore. I had become tired of the experimenting and of the products themselves, finding that their initial ‘wow’ factor disappeared after only a few uses.

I was very skeptical of cosmetics based on natural oils because I thought they clogged pores even more than synthetics did. I also thought that the unflattering comparisons made between natural and synthetic cosmetics were the result of fearmongering and current trends, rather than synthetic cosmetics actually being worse for your skin. After all, there had been studies that found mineral oils and silicones were safe for the skin (although these studies also showed the synthetics had no particular benefits and did not promote skin health in the long term). As a beautician myself, I had seen first-hand how some natural creams could clog skin and cause allergic reactions.

Eyes Opened

When I delved into the methodology and principles of LUMI, my opinion began to change. I realised that all natural cosmetic brands cannot be lumped together and treated as the same. The organic origin of raw materials is only one factor amongst many – all of them important considerations. LUMI use natural materials that are properly suited to use on skin, with minimal risk of allergies or clogging, and based only on supporting skin health. I began to realise how logical and correct LUMI’s whole theory of skincare was. I have always known about the skin’s protective barrier and its microbiome, but I did not realise that what we do to our skin on a daily basis can literally destroy these vital components of skin health, resulting in much discomfort and inflammation.

It also stands to reason that when lipids (which play a role in maintaining moisture balance) are washed from the surface of the skin, the skin simply produces more lipids to compensate. We consistently remove them with strong soaps and tonics, however, not realising that we are futilely fighting against a natural process. This is our body’s defence response and survival program that no topical product can stop. Therefore, the logical solution is to stop trying to wash these vital lipids off the skin, and instead seek to preserve them in order for skin to calm down and stop producing excess oil. This also helps in preventing inflammatory processes because the skin’s immunity is stronger.


Starting in August, I gathered up the courage to start using LUMI skincare products. LUMI’s 4-week journey blog was a great resource and pointed out that skin may initially get worse as skin adapts to a new routine. I used Tundra cleansing milk, NAKED serum and ICONIC face cream. The expected decline in skin quality did not occur for me! After a while, I felt my skin was no longer so oily and the roughness on my forehead disappeared. I also added Bio-Klinik cream and Tundra pimple stopper to the care routine.

About a month later, I noticed that my skin looked better without makeup than with it, because my skin tone was even, with no redness in the cheeks. New pimples appeared much less often, and shiny skin (caused by excess sebum) was a thing of the past. With Tundra pimple stopper, the texture of my skin became so much smoother, and enlarged pores and scars do not stand out as much.

Unwavering LUMI Convert

It’s hard for me to put into words how happy I am that every day at home, a 32-year-old woman with a healthy, glowing complexion looks at me in the mirror. I no longer have to worry about pimples, redness, or shiny skin, and I no longer fear the signs of aging, because I know that such healthy and radiant skin looks good at any age!

Now, 2 months further into the process, I’m getting compliments from others, too. Children can be brutally honest, and my 7-year-old daughter told me frankly: ‘Mommy, you are much more beautiful without makeup; you don’t have those little bumps anymore!’ My dermatologist also told me my skin looks better than ever before. And that’s without mentioning Helen, who sometimes screams in delight in the middle of the workday because she is so pleased with the effect her skincare products have had upon my skin!

I would never have expected the world’s best cosmetic products to be made right next to my home. LUMI’s beliefs have been steadfast since the brand’s creation a decade ago. Our skin has a great ability to regenerate and heal itself, to stay youthful and beautiful, if we only let it do so and support its natural processes. By trusting your skin to LUMI, you know you are in safe hands, supporting the environment, and helping your skin reach its true potential. You’ll never have to worry about the endless options in the beauty product world again!

A picture speaks more than a thousand words!