Facial skincare

LUMI 100ml 15% AHA happekoorija. Toode on  sügavpuhastav ja poore ahendav.
15% AHA PEEL Exfoliator
Acid is the only exfoliation method that can properly eliminate dead skin cells, unclog pores, minimise fine lines, and smooth uneven or acne-prone skin with...
15% AHA PEEL Exfoliator
22,00 39,00 

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LUMI Amor de Rosa
Damaskuse roosi hüdrolaat 100ml. Mõeldud naha värskedamiseks, niisutamiseks ja rahustamiseks. Toode sobib kasutamiseks ka tundlikul, põletikulisel või kuival nahal.
Amor de Rosa
True beauty blooms in authenticity and kindness. Celebrate love, femininity, and the delicate grace of nature with Amor de Rosa - a limited-edition rose water...
Amor de Rosa

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Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream
You are bright, vibrant, and full of energy – so it’s only fair your skin is, too! This bioactive-rich protective cream helps your inner youth shine...
Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream

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LUMI 50ml Arctic näokreem
Arctic Face Cream
Is your skin dry, flaky, or damaged by the weather? Our Arctic hero is created for just such problems! Redness, itching, and dryness will have a solution –...
Arctic Face Cream

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LUMI 100ml Õrn meigieemaldi “Babyface” näole ja silmadele. Puhastab ja rahustab. Kõikidele nahatüüpidele.
BABYFACE Makeup Remover
This creamy blend of plant oils and bioactive ingredients is designed to sweep away your smokey eyes and stubborn mascara in a matter of seconds. Skin is left...
BABYFACE Makeup Remover

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LUMI BIO-KLINIK Rahustav ja sügavniisutav toonik näole ja kehale 100ml. See toode aitab kaitsta nahka kahjulike keskkonnategurite eest, pidurdab vananemisprotsessi ja toidab nahka proteiinide, vitamiinide ja antioksüdantidega.
BIO-KLINIK Moisture-Lock Toner
There are few things in life we can be 100% sure about. Fortunately, Bio-Klinik is one of them! LUMI’s most popular product line has been expanded with...
BIO-KLINIK Moisture-Lock Toner

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LUMI 100ml Bio-kliinik Aloe Geel. Sobilik põletuste puhul. Ideaalne rasuse naha probleemide puhul. Intensiivne niisutav ja rahustav efekt
BIO-KLINIK Probiotic Aloe Gel
We all have that one product in our bathroom cabinet that we keep coming back to again and again; the one we always reach for when skin disaster strikes. You...
BIO-KLINIK Probiotic Aloe Gel

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LUMI BIO-KLINIK Naha struktuuri taastav näokreem. Rahustab, niisutab, uuendab.  Tundlikule nahale, kuivuse, punetuse, rosaatsea, atoopilise dermatiidi korral.
BIO-KLINIK Restorative Moisturiser
This award-winning, dermatologically tested hypoallergenic face cream is the crown jewel of the Bio-Klinik series – a brilliant base for any skincare routine...
BIO-KLINIK Restorative Moisturiser

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LUMI 30ml CBD+ Tugevatoimeline taastav salv. Rahustab ja uuendab. Kiire ja tõhus abi.
CBD+ Extra Strong Repair Salve
Beset by stubborn skin problems that just won't budge, or in need of some immediate relief from a skin emergency? CBD+ Extra Strong Repair Salve is here to...
CBD+ Extra Strong Repair Salve

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LUMI 10ml CBD+ Huulepalsam. Mõeldud huulte niisutamiseks.
CBD+ Lip balm
Intended for lips but is also helpful with other minor skin irritations. The skin softens immediately. The skin regains its ability to keep moisture and...
CBD+ Lip balm

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Superbloom collagen booster. 50ml.
Collagen Booster
You are bright, vibrant, and full of energy – so it’s only fair your skin is, too! Collagen Booster gets to work fast, plumping skin and minimising fine...
Collagen Booster

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LUMI 50ml Prebiootiline niisutusmask HALO.
Halo Moisture Mask
No angel is complete without their HALO! Bring divine shine back to tired, dull, and dehydrated skin with one of LUMI's most popular offerings - the...
Halo Moisture Mask

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LUMI 10ml rullikuga Hello silmaseerum. Värskendab, elustab ja silub silmaalused. Igale nahatüübile.
Hello Eye Serum
Tired of dark circles, dryness, and swelling under your eyes? Then say Hello to a new you! Hello Eye Serum’s innovative and multifunctional formulation gets...
Hello Eye Serum

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Honey, I’m Home! Men’s Balm
We’ve got great news, guys – you no longer need to pinch skincare products from your girlfriend’s cosmetics shelf! Honey, I’m Home! Men’s Balm is a...
Honey, I’m Home! Men’s Balm

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LUMI ICONIC Peptiididega öökreem 50ml. Toode on unisex. Iconic öökreem aitab  naha tundlikkuse, pigmentatsiooni, punetuse, tuhmi ja elutu nahka, kortsukeste, põletikuliste protsesside ja kuivuse korral.
ICONIC Overnight Peptide Treatment
Stop time and reset your skin’s memory! LUMI’s latest night cream boasts a powerful cocktail of natural ingredients that prevents premature skin aging and...
ICONIC Overnight Peptide Treatment

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LUMI ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment näokreem 50ml. See toode sisaldab prebiootikume, mis on sügavniisutavad ja naha uuenemisprotsesse toetavad ning seeläbi kortsude sügavust vähendavad. Aitavad saavutada tasakaalus naha mikrobioomi.
ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment
Everyone ages, but only some of us age well! Thanks to ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment's intelligent skincare, you can help your skin stay healthy and recapture...
ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment

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