
LUMI 50ml Arctic näokreem
Arctic Face Cream
Is your skin dry, flaky, or damaged by the weather? Our Arctic hero is created for just such problems! Redness, itching, and dryness will have a solution –...
Arctic Face Cream

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LUMI 100ml Arktiline kätekreem. Ülikuivale, punetavale, ketendavale, sügelevale nahale.
Arctic Hand Cream
Does constant smearing of cream on dry and flaky hands cause boredom? Especially if the result doesn't seem to be anything other than a waste of cream. Cold...
Arctic Hand Cream

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Atopic Skin Combo for Children
Atopic dermatitis can be hard to cope with as an adult, let alone as a child! Banish tears and help skin recover with Atopic Skin Combo for Children, a...
Atopic Skin Combo for Children
62,31 66,03 

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LUMI Atoopiline smuuti
BIO-KLINIK kreem 50ml  + BIO-KLINIK toonik 100ml + CBD salv 30ml. Need kolm toodet omavahel kokku segades rahustavad maha punetused, kuivad kohad ja sügeluse. Prebiootikumidega kreem taastab naha mikrobioomi, mis kaitseb nahka ja vähendab ärrituste tekkimist.
Atopic smoothie
Atopic skin is challenging to endure both mentally and physically. LUMI's three superheroes for sensitive skin are waiting to be mixed in the palm of your hand...
Atopic smoothie
102,30 106,02 

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LUMI 100ml Õrn meigieemaldi “Babyface” näole ja silmadele. Puhastab ja rahustab. Kõikidele nahatüüpidele.
BABYFACE Makeup Remover
This creamy blend of plant oils and bioactive ingredients is designed to sweep away your smokey eyes and stubborn mascara in a matter of seconds. Skin is left...
BABYFACE Makeup Remover

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LUMI 200ml BIO-KLINIK Rahustav ja sügavniisutav kehakreem. Tugevdab naha kaitsevõimet. Tundlikule nahale, kuivuse, punetuse, rosaatsea, atoopilise dermatiidi või psoriaasi puhul.
BIO-KLINIK Moisture-Lock Body Cream
Suffering from atopic dermatitis, skin dryness, rosacea, hypersensitivity, or reddened skin? Bio-Klinik was made for you! Estonia’s first prebiotic and...
BIO-KLINIK Moisture-Lock Body Cream

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LUMI BIO-KLINIK Naha struktuuri taastav näokreem. Rahustab, niisutab, uuendab.  Tundlikule nahale, kuivuse, punetuse, rosaatsea, atoopilise dermatiidi korral.
BIO-KLINIK Restorative Moisturiser
This award-winning, dermatologically tested hypoallergenic face cream is the crown jewel of the Bio-Klinik series – a brilliant base for any skincare routine...
BIO-KLINIK Restorative Moisturiser

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LUMI MINI CBD+ Tugevatoimeline taastav salv 10ml. See salv rahustab ja uuendab nahka.
CBD+ Extra Strong Repair Salve
An excellent product for stubborn skin problems. With full-spectrum natural CBD derived from hemp with anti-inflammatory effects on the skin.
CBD+ Extra Strong Repair Salve

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LUMI 200ml Sügavniisutav Kehalosjoon
Deeply moisturising body treatment
Dry air, volatile weather conditions, and daily stress weaken our skin, making it more sensitive and fragile. LUMI Deeply Moisturising Body Lotion protects and...
Deeply moisturising body treatment

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LUMI 50ml Prebiootiline niisutusmask HALO.
Halo Moisture Mask
No angel is complete without their HALO! Bring divine shine back to tired, dull, and dehydrated skin with one of LUMI's most popular offerings - the...
Halo Moisture Mask

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LUMI 10ml rullikuga Hello silmaseerum. Värskendab, elustab ja silub silmaalused. Igale nahatüübile.
Hello Eye Serum
Tired of dark circles, dryness, and swelling under your eyes? Then say Hello to a new you! Hello Eye Serum’s innovative and multifunctional formulation gets...
Hello Eye Serum

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Honey, I’m Home! Men’s Balm
We’ve got great news, guys – you no longer need to pinch skincare products from your girlfriend’s cosmetics shelf! Honey, I’m Home! Men’s Balm is a...
Honey, I’m Home! Men’s Balm

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ICONIC Powercouple
Introducing a day and night cream set that empowers your skin to reach its full potential for radiance and youthfulness. This intelligent skincare approach...
ICONIC Powercouple
119,97 123,69 

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LUMI ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment näokreem 50ml. See toode sisaldab prebiootikume, mis on sügavniisutavad ja naha uuenemisprotsesse toetavad ning seeläbi kortsude sügavust vähendavad. Aitavad saavutada tasakaalus naha mikrobioomi.
ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment
Everyone ages, but only some of us age well! Thanks to ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment's intelligent skincare, you can help your skin stay healthy and recapture...
ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment

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LUMI 50ml-100ml Intensiivniisutusega kätekreem. Niisutav kätekreem, mis muudab käed pehmeks ja siledaks.
Intensively Hydrating Hand Cream
Do your hands need something to make them soft and silky smooth? Here is our best combination of natural plant extracts and oils to provide the care you have...
Intensively Hydrating Hand Cream
9,90 17,00 

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LUMI 100ml LA-LAA Paitav beebiõli. Pehmendab ja rahustab, Lõhnaainete vaba, toiduaine kvaliteediklassiga ja mahesertifikaadiga koostis.
LA-LAA Baby Oil
LA-LAA - the melodic sound of carefree childhood happiness! Leave your worries behind as LA-LAA soothes and softens even the most delicate of skin, thanks...
LA-LAA Baby Oil

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