Lifeless and dull

LUMI komplekt
Who wouldn’t want to find the elixir of life in a gift bag? LUMI has a secret recipe just for you, which slows down the signs of skin aging and brings back a...
135,78 139,50 

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Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream
You are bright, vibrant, and full of energy – so it’s only fair your skin is, too! This bioactive-rich protective cream helps your inner youth shine...
Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream

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LUMI 50ml Prebiootiline niisutusmask HALO.
Halo Moisture Mask
No angel is complete without their HALO! Bring divine shine back to tired, dull, and dehydrated skin with one of LUMI's most popular offerings - the...
Halo Moisture Mask

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Honey, I’m Home! Men’s Balm
We’ve got great news, guys – you no longer need to pinch skincare products from your girlfriend’s cosmetics shelf! Honey, I’m Home! Men’s Balm is a...
Honey, I’m Home! Men’s Balm

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ICONIC Powercouple
Introducing a day and night cream set that empowers your skin to reach its full potential for radiance and youthfulness. This intelligent skincare approach...
ICONIC Powercouple
119,97 123,69 

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LUMI ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment näokreem 50ml. See toode sisaldab prebiootikume, mis on sügavniisutavad ja naha uuenemisprotsesse toetavad ning seeläbi kortsude sügavust vähendavad. Aitavad saavutada tasakaalus naha mikrobioomi.
ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment
Everyone ages, but only some of us age well! Thanks to ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment's intelligent skincare, you can help your skin stay healthy and recapture...
ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment

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LUMI 10ml Antioksüdantidega päevakreem. Normaalsele ja kombineeritud nahale. Niisutab, toidab ja matistab.
MINI Antioxidant Day Cream
Give your body the fuel it needs to fight those pesky free radicals with this antioxidant-rich day cream! With a unique formulation that includes a host of...
MINI Antioxidant Day Cream

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LUMI MINI ICONIC Peptiididega öökreem 10ml. See peptiididega öökreem peatab enneaegsed vananemisprotsessid targalt, käivitades inimkeha enda taastumisprotsessid.
MINI ICONIC Overnight Peptide Treatment
Stop time and reset your skin’s memory! LUMI’s latest night cream boasts a powerful cocktail of natural ingredients that prevents premature skin aging and...
MINI ICONIC Overnight Peptide Treatment

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LUMI ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment MINI näokreem 10ml. See toode sisaldab prebiootikume, mis on sügavniisutavad ja naha uuenemisprotsesse toetavad ning seeläbi kortsude sügavust vähendavad. Aitavad saavutada tasakaalus naha mikrobioomi.
MINI ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment
Everyone ages, but only some of us age well! Thanks to ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment's intelligent skincare, you can help your skin stay healthy and recapture...
MINI ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment

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LUMI 10ml Niisutav näopuhastuspiim.  Koorib ja niisutab. Kõikidele nahatüüpidele.
MINI Moisturising cleansing milk
What's the secret to achieving flawlessly clear facial skin? It's simple - it doesn't matter what you put on the skin unless you're properly getting...
MINI Moisturising cleansing milk

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LUMI TUNDRA AHA-BHA Niisutuskreem MINI 10ml. See toode o mõeldud kasutamiseks aknele kalduvale nahale. Tasakaalustab ja uuendab nahka.
MINI TUNDRA AHA-BHA Moisturising Cream
This all-natural, powerful moisturising cream has been specially designed to help skin fight back against acne and other skin conditions. A curated blend of...
MINI TUNDRA AHA-BHA Moisturising Cream

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LUMI 30ml NAKED hüaluroonhappe multiseerum. Niisutab, korrigeerib, täiustab. Igale nahatüübile, ka kõige tundlikumale.
NAKED Hyaluronic Acid Multiserum
NAKED is natural - NAKED is beautiful! Give your skin the nourishment it needs with this award-winning multiserum. NAKED’s oil-free, microbiome-supporting...
NAKED Hyaluronic Acid Multiserum

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SENSES CC Clay Moisturiser
A tone-correcting, firming, and mattifying day cream infused with natural golden kaolin clay. Leaves skin hydrated, velvety smooth, and with a shining...
SENSES CC Clay Moisturiser

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LUMI SENSES Trimmiv ja tooniv kehalosjoon 100ml. See toode sobib igale nahatüübile. Senses kehalosjoon toonib, trimmib ja niisutab nahka. Toode on vegan ja unisex.
SENSES Remodelling Body Moisturiser
A delightful body lotion inspired by the latest scientific breakthroughs. This Remodelling Body Moisturiser tones, tightens, slims, and provides deep...
SENSES Remodelling Body Moisturiser

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LUMI 30ml SKIN GYM Facial Training Formula näoseerum. Pinguldab ja trimmib nahka. Vähendab naha lõtvumisest tingitud vajumist ja kontuurib näojooni selgemaks. Paneb naha vedelikku salvestama, mis annab Sulle sügavuti niisutatud naha.
SKIN GYM Facial Training Formula Face Serum
This oil-free serum brings the benefits of exercise directly to your skin! We call it the Fit Skin Concept: a truly innovative neurocosmetic breakthrough that...
SKIN GYM Facial Training Formula Face Serum

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LUMI Strawberry Skin Set. See sisaldab 100ml 15% AHA HAPPEKOORIJAT ja 100ml NUDIST HÜALUROONHAPPEGA KEHASEERUMI. Nende toodetega saab ühtlustada nahka nii, et ei teki enam sissekasvanud karvu ega ka täppe nahal peale raseerimist.
Strawberry Skin Set
Say goodbye to strawberry skin! Forget about spots, unevenness, and ingrown hairs. Step into summer with smooth, even skin!
Strawberry Skin Set
66,03 69,75 

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