
LUMI komplekt
Who wouldn’t want to find the elixir of life in a gift bag? LUMI has a secret recipe just for you, which slows down the signs of skin aging and brings back a...
135,78 139,50 

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LUMI Aknelise naha smuuti
TUNDRA toonik + TUNDRA kreem + CBD salv
Anti-acne smoothie
We have a smoothie recipe for young skin to look healthy and fresh. The smoothie consists of Tundra toner, cream and CBD salve. Tundra toner soothes and...
Anti-acne smoothie
98,58 102,30 

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Anti-redness smoothie
This prebiotic smoothie is here to stay. BIO-KLINIK's soothing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory face cream, in combination with NAKED niacinamide serum,...
Anti-redness smoothie
80,91 84,63 

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LUMI Arktiline Duo Arktiline kätekreem 100 ml + Arktiline näokreem 50ml. See kombo taastab, kaitseb ja tugevdab nahka. Mõeldud ülikuivale, punetavale, ketendavale ja sügelevale nahale. Sobib ka lastele.
Arctic Duo
A set of two creams with a unique composition. This combo helps keep moisture in the skin, preventing weather from damaging your hands and face. Consistent use...
Arctic Duo
54,87 58,59 

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Atopic Skin Combo for Children
Atopic dermatitis can be hard to cope with as an adult, let alone as a child! Banish tears and help skin recover with Atopic Skin Combo for Children, a...
Atopic Skin Combo for Children
62,31 66,03 

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LUMI Atoopiline smuuti
BIO-KLINIK kreem 50ml  + BIO-KLINIK toonik 100ml + CBD salv 30ml. Need kolm toodet omavahel kokku segades rahustavad maha punetused, kuivad kohad ja sügeluse. Prebiootikumidega kreem taastab naha mikrobioomi, mis kaitseb nahka ja vähendab ärrituste tekkimist.
Atopic smoothie
Atopic skin is challenging to endure both mentally and physically. LUMI's three superheroes for sensitive skin are waiting to be mixed in the palm of your hand...
Atopic smoothie
102,30 106,02 

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Baby Essentials
Be prepared for the everyday care of your new arrival with Baby Essentials! This set combines two of our most popular offerings, LA-LAA Baby Oil and Lullaby...
Baby Essentials
53,94 57,66 

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Baby On The Way Supplement
Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should not eat for two, but they certainly require extra vitamins and minerals, which might be insufficient in modern diets....
Baby On The Way Supplement

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LUMI kombo Looduse ramm Men niisutuskreem 50 ml ja Men aftershave-toonik 100m. Need toodes koos rahustavad, värskendavad ning tasakaalustavad nahka.
Force of Nature
A complete men’s skincare set, consisting of moisturizing cream and aftershave tonic – suitable for daily skincare routines and aftershave care.
Force of Nature
70,68 74,40 

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Glass Skin
Your beauty shines from your uniqueness, not from being flawless! Embrace a toning golden yellow daily smoothie for your skin that protects, tones, and...
Glass Skin
71,61 75,33 

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ICONIC Powercouple
Introducing a day and night cream set that empowers your skin to reach its full potential for radiance and youthfulness. This intelligent skincare approach...
ICONIC Powercouple
119,97 123,69 

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LUMI MEN Aftershave-toonik 100 ml │ Vahvelkangast hommikumantel
LUMI Loves Men
November is for the men in your life – husbands, brothers, and fathers! They look out for us, take care of us, and would do anything to see us happy? Now is...
LUMI Loves Men
95,79 99,51 

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LUMI LUMITEEK Skinguard! B3 vitamiin + bioaktiivne tsink. Mõlemas purgis on 90 taimset kapslit. Toidulisandite komplekt kauni naha jaoks.
LUMITEEK Skinguard! vitamin B3 + bioactive zinc
This LUMI nutritional supplement set is perfect for all, with specific benefits for those with sensitive, acne-prone, aging, dry or irritated skin. Along with...
LUMITEEK Skinguard! vitamin B3 + bioactive zinc
29,76 33,48 

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LUMI Tundliku naha smuuti
BIO-KLINIK toonik 100ml + BIO-KLINIK näokreem 50ml. Nende toodete  looduslik koostis ei tekita punetust, ei aja sügelema ja ei kipita. Nende toodete järjepideval kasutamisel suudab nahk taas paremini täita oma kaitsefunktsiooni, muutub tugevamaks ja vananeb aeglasemalt.
Sensitive skin smoothie
This duo is suitable for even the most demanding skin because it is natural and free of perfumes, preservatives, and other irritants. Does not cause redness or...
Sensitive skin smoothie
66,03 69,75 

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Silky Smooth Hair
This is the perfect gift for anyone who loves pampering their hair with top-notch products! The silky feel of the scrunchie is so enticing that they'll never...
Silky Smooth Hair
Original price was: 38,00 €.Current price is: 35,34 €.

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Silky Smooth Hair
This is the perfect gift for anyone who loves pampering their hair with top-notch products! The silky feel of the scrunchie is so enticing that they’ll...
Silky Smooth Hair

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