Atopic dermatitis (AD) will always be a special concern for us here at LUMI. In fact, we were set up by our founder, Helen Hirv, after her young daughter began suffering with the condition. Twelve years have passed since then, and whilst LUMI has blossomed in that time to contain many different ranges and solutions for all kinds of skincare issues, we are still just as passionate about treating AD now as Helen was in 2012!

AD can impact sufferers greatly, and is usually typified by dry, itchy and bumpy lesions on the skin. It is an immune condition, and despite often being associated with childhood, it’s very common for adults to display symptoms, too. It’s sadly just as common for symptoms of AD to be ignored, whether because the disease is not life threatening or treatment seems difficult or impossible.

Thankfully, that couldn’t be further from the truth! There are many ways of reducing the impact of AD, and research yields better understanding of the condition with every passing day. We’ve even created Estonia’s first hypoallergenic and prebiotic skincare line, Bio-Klinik, that’s the perfect remedy for AD symptoms, as well as several other products that can help the condition.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at how you can take control of your adult atopic dermatitis and return your skin to its natural, radiant state!

“I have had sensitive skin all my life, but things got especially crazy during early spring when various life changes and moving back to the Estonian climate brought out atopic dermatitis very strongly again. I couldn’t use any products because everything made me itch and sting. LUMI offered me the opportunity to test their new Bio-Klinik face and body cream. What a relief it was to discover that the cream is absolutely non-irritating, soothing, moisturizing, and leaves a wonderful silky feeling.” – REVIEWER, Bio-Klinik Restorative Moisturiser

Avoiding Atopic Dermatitis Flare-ups

‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ may be a tired expression, but it’s overused for a reason – it’s completely true! And never is it more pertinent than in the case of atopic dermatitis.

Allergens are known triggers for some AD sufferers, instigating or worsening symptoms. These allergens can vary widely depending on the individual, with triggers as varied as soaps, pollen, metals, pets, and even new clothes all being reported. If you know or suspect that something may be causing your skin to react, it’s imperative that you minimise its presence around you as much as possible.

Psychological stressors have also been shown to be a factor in AD flare-ups. Chronic stress – caused by factors such as financial difficulties, family problems, or issues at work/school – worsen AD and should be avoided if at all possible.

“I have suffered from atopic dermatitis for over 10 years […] I was pleasantly surprised when I tried LUMI’s new soothing and deeply moisturising cream; the skin’s protective power increased significantly, the painful itching subsided, and moisture was retained longer in the skin. No other cream has worked so quickly and effectively for me, and I have more than 10 years of experience with them! I am definitely a fan and highly recommend it. Well done!” – REVIEWER, Bio-Klinik Moisture-Lock Body Cream

Nourish Your Body, Help Your Skin

Of course, sometimes prevention isn’t an option. You may not be able to de-stress on command (we certainly can’t!), completely avoid environmental triggers, or perhaps your atopic dermatitis symptoms appear with no rhyme or reason. Fortunately, there is still plenty you can do to help your skin fight back against AD and get back to its radiant best!

As with any health condition, the nutrients you feed your body can impact the severity of AD symptoms. Research suggests that vitamins C and D can play roles in the treatment of AD, whilst prebiotics and probiotics have been suggested to have a positive effect on the disease through their impact on the gut microbiome.

In terms of diet, trigger foods may vary from person-to-person, so it’s important to understand your own body. However, studies of AD sufferers found that improvements in skin health were reported most often when removing white flour products, gluten entirely, or plants from the nightshade family (potatoes, aubergines, tomatoes, etc.) from their diet. In a similar vein, skin improvements were reported most often when AD patients added more fruit, vegetables, and fish oil to their diets!

“It is not at all surprising that I am once again in awe with LUMI – this product does everything it promises! The tonic moisturises, refreshes, invigorates, and stimulates. Of the various LUMI tonics, this is my favourite – I even like its characteristic grassy scent. I will definitely buy more!” – REVIEWER, Bio-Klinik Moisture-Lock Toner

Bio-Klinik – The Skin’s Best Friend!

For the most significant results, you’ll need to fight your atopic dermatitis symptoms topically, applying solutions directly to affected skin. Skin barrier restoration, via supporting the microbiome, bringing nutrients to skin, and properly moisturising the affected area, are key to keeping AD symptoms at bay.

This is where LUMI gets to shine! We pride ourselves on creating organic skincare solutions that calm, nourish, promote the microbiome, and above all, bring balance back to your skin. And there is no better example of this ethos than Bio-Klinik!

Bio-Klinik is Estonia’s first prebiotic and hypoallergenic skincare range. This series has been specially designed to treat conditions such as atopic dermatitis, as well as other common skin complaints such as acne, hypersensitivity, and rosacea. Bio-Klinik products are suitable for any age, skin type, or condition.

Whether you’re using the Bio-Klinik Restorative Moisturiser, Moisture-Lock Body Cream or Moisture-Lock Toner, you can rest assured knowing you’re doing right by your skin, and giving it the best science-backed, all-natural treatment available. Positive results can come about very quickly, and we’re sure you’ll be astonished at the difference these solutions make to your AD flare-ups, especially when used together!

The LUMI Method

We love talking about the LUMI Method – a 4-week journey to cleaner, healthier skin that shines with the same radiance you had growing up. And now, it’s easier than ever to embrace the LUMI Method and see the impact Bio-Klinik can make on your atopic dermatitis symptoms!

That’s because we’ve created the Skincare Routine for Sensitive Skin, bringing you our three most popular Bio-Klinik offerings in one perfect solution for your skin. Or check out our Atopic Smoothie, which combines the clean brilliance of Bio-Klinik cream and toner with our intensive CBD+ repair salve. Your skin will thank you!

Ready to give your skin a helping hand and tackle your atopic dermatitis head on? Check out our brilliant Bio-Klinik series here. Looking for something else? Browse our entire range of science-led, completely organic skincare solutions right here!



  1. Fasseeh, A. N., Elezbawy, B., Korra, N., Tannira, M., Dalle, H., Aderian, S., Abaza, S., & Kaló, Z. (2022). Burden of Atopic Dermatitis in Adults and Adolescents: a Systematic Literature Review. Dermatology and therapy, 12(12), 2653–2668.
  2. Khan, A., Adalsteinsson, J., & Whitaker-Worth, D. L. (2022). Atopic dermatitis and nutrition. Clinics in dermatology, 40(2), 135–144.
  3. Koh, L. F., Ong, R. Y., & Common, J. E. (2022). Skin microbiome of atopic dermatitis. Allergology international: official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology, 71(1), 31–39.
  4. Lönndahl, L., Abdelhadi, S., Holst, M., Lonne-Rahm, S. B., Nordlind, K., & Johansson, B. (2023). Psychological Stress and Atopic Dermatitis: A Focus Group Study. Annals of dermatology, 35(5), 342–347.
  5. Mayo Clinic, (2023). Dermatitis.
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  7. Nosrati, A., Afifi, L., Danesh, M. J., Lee, K., Yan, D., Beroukhim, K., Ahn, R., & Liao, W. (2017). Dietary modifications in atopic dermatitis: patient-reported outcomes. The Journal of dermatological treatment, 28(6), 523–538.
  8. Oszukowska, M., Michalak, I., Gutfreund, K., Bienias, W., Matych, M., Szewczyk, A., & Kaszuba, A. (2015). Role of primary and secondary prevention in atopic dermatitis. Postepy dermatologii i alergologii, 32(6), 409–420.