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Exceptional Exerkines! Meet the Molecules at the Heart of Exercise Benefits – And Learn How They Can Transform Your Skin!

Everyone knows that exercise is good for you; in fact, it’s absolutely vital for our entire body, from maintaining mental hygiene to the health of our skin! But have you ever wondered exactly how exercise’s benefits are conveyed to the body?

The human body is a complex array of interconnected systems, and when we exercise, those systems start sending signals around to make necessary changes. One type of signal that is sent by the body is a group of molecules called exerkines

These compounds inspire the body to get into shape – trimming fat, making muscles stronger, and skin firmer and tighter. You can think of them as our bodies’ microscopic personal trainers!

Once researchers began to better understand exerkines, the next question was obvious – could we add exerkines directly to the body without having to produce them through exercise first? The answer could herald big changes for the future of skincare!

So, today, let’s explore the world of exerkines, learn what they do, why we want as many of them as possible, and how LUMI has been incorporating them into our latest cutting-edge offering: Skin Gym!

What are Exerkines?

When the body exercises, a number of different things happen. The central nervous system sends commands from the brain to all the major systems of the body, including the cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, and metabolic systems. 

The general message sent is pretty clear – forget about conserving energy, it’s time to put things into overdrive! We begin to prioritise strength, speed, and agility over longevity and cell maintenance. This is great in the short term, but may leave the body weakened in the aftermath.

Thankfully, because the human body is an incredibly complex organism, it also understands the need for repair and reinforcement after exercise. Damaged cells need to be renewed, and muscles and other key structures need strengthening.

The body needs to convey this information to cells somehow, and it does so through a variety of peptides, metabolites and RNAs that we call exercise factors, or exerkines

Scientists have discovered hundreds of different exerkine compounds so far, produced throughout the body and involving every major organ and system. You can think of them as messages from the body that command cells to become fitter!

Bring the Benefits of Exercise to Skin with LUMI!

So, we know what exerkines are and how important they are for our bodies to reap the benefits of exercise. But how can they change the game in skincare? Could exerkines be key to keeping skin firm and tight, and better shaping our bodies?

Our friends over in Barcelona, the pioneering Vytrus Biotech, have been busy at work answering these questions, and they’ve developed something truly special. Their latest plant stem cell active, Baolift™, replicates exerkines throughout the body’s ‘Skin-Fascia-Muscle Axis’ to firm up skin, improve muscle tone, and rejuvenate the skin’s complexion.   

Anyone who’s used LUMI products knows that we’re obsessed with the latest in biotechnology, so when we saw Baolift™, we knew we had to make good use of it! And we’ve done just that with our revolutionary Skin Gym series – an intensive workout for skin with products specially designed for facial skin and the whole body.

Our Skin Gym Facial Training Formula complements Baolift™ with cutting-edge neurocosmetics, stimulating the production of mood-boosting oxytocin on the skin’s surface. The serum is designed to work alongside facial massage for an intensive skin fitness regimen!

For the rest of the body, we’ve developed Skin Gym – Body, complete with an additional plant stem cell active that further shapes skin by breaking down fat cells and harnessing intra-cellular energy. It’s a state-of-the-art biotech solution! 

So, this summer, embrace the power of exerkines, and get your skin back in shape with LUMI Skin Gym!


  1. Chow, L. S., Gerszten, R. E., Taylor, J. M., Pedersen, B. K., van Praag, H., Trappe, S., Febbraio, M. A., Galis, Z. S., Gao, Y., Haus, J. M., Lanza, I. R., Lavie, C. J., Lee, C. H., Lucia, A., Moro, C., Pandey, A., Robbins, J. M., Stanford, K. I., Thackray, A. E., Villeda, S., … Snyder, M. P. (2022). Exerkines in health, resilience and disease. Nature reviews. Endocrinology, 18(5), 273–289. 
  2. Jin, L., Diaz-Canestro, C., Wang, Y., Tse, M. A., & Xu, A. (2024). Exerkines and cardiometabolic benefits of exercise: from bench to clinic. EMBO molecular medicine, 16(3), 432–444. 
  3. Magliulo, L., Bondi, D., Pini, N., Marramiero, L., & Di Filippo, E. S. (2022). The wonder exerkines-novel insights: a critical state-of-the-art review. Molecular and cellular biochemistry, 477(1), 105–113. 
  4. Nilsson, M. I., Bourgeois, J. M., Nederveen, J. P., Leite, M. R., Hettinga, B. P., Bujak, A. L., May, L., Lin, E., Crozier, M., Rusiecki, D. R., Moffatt, C., Azzopardi, P., Young, J., Yang, Y., Nguyen, J., Adler, E., Lan, L., & Tarnopolsky, M. A. (2019). Lifelong aerobic exercise protects against inflammaging and cancer. PloS one, 14(1), e0210863. 
  5. Patel, P., N., Zqibel, H., (2022). Physiology, Exercise. Statpearls, Treasure Island, FL. 
  6. Suzuki, K., Hekmatikar, A. H. A., Jalalian, S., Abbasi, S., Ahmadi, E., Kazemi, A., Ruhee, R. T., & Khoramipour, K. (2022). The Potential of Exerkines in Women’s COVID-19: A New Idea for a Better and More Accurate Understanding of the Mechanisms behind Physical Exercise. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(23), 15645. 
  7. Thau L, Reddy V, Singh P., (2022). Anatomy, Central Nervous System. Statpearls, Treasure Island, FL. 
  8. Vytrus Biotech, (2024). Baolift™ – Your Skin Workout. 
  9. Zhou, N., Gong, L., Zhang, E., & Wang, X. (2024). Exploring exercise-driven exerkines: unraveling the regulation of metabolism and inflammation. PeerJ, 12, e17267. 
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Sunstruck: The Reality of Sun Allergies, and How LUMI Can Help!

When you hear ‘allergic to the sun’, you may think of vampires, or teenage gamers who refuse to leave their bedrooms even on the nicest of days! But sun allergies are very real, and no joke to those who suffer from them. They can make even the most routine activities a challenge, and the effects of sun allergies can last for weeks!

But what actually are sun allergies, and what’s behind them? More importantly, what can those suffering do to protect themselves? Today, we answer all of these questions and more, as we explore sun allergies, their causes and potential cures, and take a look at how LUMI can help your skin stay happy and healthy this summer.

Let’s dive in!

What is a ‘Sun Allergy’?

Sun allergy is a catch-all term for several different conditions, though all affect the appearance of the skin. In the medical profession, a rash caused by exposure to the sun is called a photodermatosis. A photodermatosis can have many potential causes, both from within the body and from an external source.

Polymorphic Light Eruption

The most common sun allergy is the fantastically named polymorphic light eruption (PLE). PLE (sometimes called polymorphous light eruption in the US) is a surprisingly common skin rash that’s caused by UV exposure. In Europe, it’s thought that one in five people will suffer from PLE at some point in their life. 

PLE is much more prevalent in women than men, and usually begins in early to mid-adulthood. All skin types can be affected by PLE, but it’s thought to particularly affect those with fairer skin.

PLE can present in many different ways (polymorphic means taking multiple forms), including as small red bumps, flushing red areas of skin, itchy or stinging skin, and even blisters and hives. Skin will often form hard ‘plaques’ of tough, desensitised skin that can last for several weeks after UV exposure. 

The symptoms of PLE are often mistaken for heat rash (also called prickly heat, or miliaria), but heat rash is caused by overheating and the blocking of sweat glands and ducts, rather than UV exposure. Consequently, prickly heat will not last for as long as PLE and doesn’t result in desensitised skin or hardened skin plaques.

The causes of polymorphic light eruption are not fully understood, but it is thought that the skin microbiome plays a pivotal role. Recent research suggests that the rashes that characterise PLE may come about thanks to the skin secreting antimicrobial peptides, which serve as a chemical barrier for skin. 

The skin releases these antimicrobial compounds in response to changes in the microbiome brought about by UV radiation. Because the rash is caused by the antimicrobial peptides and not from the UV radiation itself, PLE can last for multiple weeks after sun exposure. It also means that if we can stop disruption of the skin microbiome, we can potentially minimise PLE symptoms. But more on that later!

Other Sun Allergies

PLE is the most common sun allergy by a long distance, but there are several others. Juvenile spring eruption affects the ears, particularly in people with short hair that does not cover the ears, and can present as lumps, rashes, crusts, or blisters on the ear’s surface that usually needs medical treatment to resolve.

Actinic prurigo causes incredibly itchy rashes, as well as many of the same symptoms as PLE. It is often misdiagnosed as PLE, but can affect more of the body, including the lips, and symptoms are usually much more severe. There are dozens of other sun allergies, including chronic actinic dermatitis and hydroa vacciniforme, but these are exceedingly rare in comparison to PLE. 

Some sun allergies can be caused by chemical compounds (photosensitisers) that cause otherwise healthy skin to react to UV radiation. 

These photosensitisers may be ingested medicines, including several classes of antibiotics, antihistamines, and NSAIDs, topical treatments like retinoids and AHAs, or some kind of topical irritant that has found its way onto skin accidentally. Lemon juice is a famously harsh photosensitiser, causing skin to come out in angry blisters upon UV exposure. That’s sure to leave a sour taste, so be careful!

LUMI – Here to Help Soothe Your Sun Allergies!

If you’re suffering with a sun allergy, the thought of a sun-filled summer might fill you with dread. But there’s no need to worry! We’ve got you covered with some top tips and some brilliantly innovative LUMI skin solutions that will have your skin back to feeling its best in no time.

They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and that’s certainly true for sun allergies. 

Whilst it is impossible to avoid the sun altogether, those with sun allergies may find that keeping out of sunlight during peak UV strength hours (usually between 11am and 3pm) can reduce the onset of skin rashes significantly. Covering more skin or using stronger SPF cream during these hours may save you a lot of bother down the line!

Sunbrero Aloe Serum with Plant Stem Cells and Melatonin

We recommend complementing your SPF cream with our Sunbrero Aloe Serum. As PLE has been shown to affect and be affected by the skin microbiome, reacting to imbalances in the microbiota on the skin’s surface, it’s a good idea to try and keep your microbiome as healthy and balanced as possible, both before and after sun exposure.

Sunbrero has two cutting-edge plant stem cell actives that are specifically designed to help the microbiome deal with UV exposure. The first, Photobiome™, stimulates the skin microbiota’s own photo-defence systems, drastically increasing the amount of microbes that survive sun exposure.

Photobiome™ cannot protect all microbes, however, and it’s still possible for your microbiome to become imbalanced after sun exposure – or already be experiencing dysbiosis! That’s why we’ve also added another plant stem cell active to Sunbrero that is specifically designed to rebalance the skin microbiome.

Using skin bacteria’s own chemical communication channels, this state-of-the-art active ingredient biohacks the microbiome, encouraging desirable bacteria to multiply, and minimising the spread of pathogen-associated bacteria. We may be biased, but we think it’s some of the smartest skincare you’ll find anywhere!

Spoilt in Spain presents a richly hydrating aloe gel designed to deeply moisturize and naturally enhance your tan. Enriched with tanning intensifiers and infused with the prebiotic Photobiome™ from plant stem cells, it actively boosts your skin’s microbiota’s photoprotection systems while acting as a potent antioxidant.

It’s versatile too! You can use it daily as a moisturizer or mix it into your SPF cream for added benefits. After sun exposure, it becomes even more essential. Applying it post-sun helps your skin’s microbiota recover faster and replenishes lost oils, leaving your skin feeling rejuvenated and hydrated.

Improving the Skin’s Condition

Of course, even with the best protection, you may still suffer from sun allergy-related rashes. Most cases of PLE will resolve on their own, though you may wish to seek medical treatment if symptoms refuse to clear. Your doctor may prescribe you strong antihistamines or steroid creams.

For mild cases of PLE that will eventually resolve on their own, treatment should focus on soothing skin and improving its general condition. 

LUMI’s Lullaby Rescue Balm has been specially designed to nurture skin and assist repair and renewal. It’s packed full of zinc, which is lauded for its ability to soothe skin complaints, speed up recovery, and protect skin from external stressors, including UV radiation and pathogens. Lullaby has everything you need to soothe skin and leave those dry, itchy skin plaques behind!

The pictures show Mirjam’s skin which is affected by sun allergy. To alleviate the symptoms, she used the Lullaby+Sunbrero combo 2x a day. The picture on the right shows the results after 5 days of continuous use!

A trusty moisturiser is vital as skin begins returning to normal. The hypoallergenic, prebiotic-infused Bio-Klinik Moisture-Lock Body Cream is specially designed to provide gentle nourishment and protection to skin without aggravating the skin’s surface. This award-winning moisturiser is suitable for skin suffering from a host of complaints, including PLE, and caters to the rebalancing and protection of the microbiome as well as skin.

So, if you have sun allergies, there’s no need to suffer this summer! Remember to stay protected, use common sense, and treat your skin with the kindness it deserves. With a little help from us here at LUMI, you’ll be back to feeling that summertime satisfaction in no time at all!


  1. DermNet, (2006). Actinic prurigo. 
  2. DermNet, (2008). Juvenile spring eruption. 
  3. DermNet, (2016). Photosensitivity. 
  4. Guerra, K.C., Toncar, A., Krishnamurthy, K. (2023). Miliaria. Statpearls. Treasure Island, FL. 
  5. Kadurina, M., Kazandjieva, J., & Bocheva, G. (2021). Immunopathogenesis and management of polymorphic light eruption. Dermatologic therapy, 34(6), e15167. 
  6. Mayo Clinic, (2024). Sun allergy. 
  7. Medscape, (2022). Actinic Prurigo Differential Diagnoses. 
  8. Mioduszewski, M., & Beecker, J. (2015). Phytophotodermatitis from making sangria: a phototoxic reaction to lime and lemon juice. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l’Association medicale canadienne, 187(10), 756. 
  9. NHS, (2024). Polymorphic light eruption. 
  10. Oakley, A.M., Ramsey, M.L., (2023). Polymorphic light eruption. Statpearls. Treasure Island, FL. 
  11. Patra, V., & Wolf, P. (2016). Microbial elements as the initial triggers in the pathogenesis of polymorphic light eruption?. Experimental dermatology, 25(12), 999–1001. 
  12. United States FDA, (2024). The Sun and Your Medicine. 
  13. Zarfl, M., Patra, V., Bordag, N., Quehenberger, F., Golob-Schwarzl, N., Gruber-Wackernagel, A., & Wolf, P. (2024). Eradication of skin microbiota restores cytokine production and release in polymorphic light eruption. Experimental dermatology, 33(3), e15034. 
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Controlling Psoriasis: How LUMI Can Help You Fight One of The World’s Most Common Autoimmune Diseases!

Psoriasis is one of the world’s most common skin complaints, affecting an estimated 125 million people across the globe. It can be painful, unsightly, and lead to unwelcome complications. Yet, because we often think of it as only a ‘minor’ complaint or ultimately harmless, most people do nothing to fix the situation.

Here at LUMI, we want to change that! Psoriasis symptoms respond well to effective treatment, and healing your skin could be easier than you think. By using the right products and improving the overall condition of skin, the pain and discomfort of psoriasis can disappear!

So, today, let’s explore together the ins and outs of psoriasis, including how best to treat it, and look at some of the fantastic solutions the brilliant boffins at LUMI labs have created especially for the purpose!

What is Psoriasis? A Brief Explainer

You’ve probably heard of psoriasis before, and most people reading this will have seen its symptoms, either on themselves or a loved one. But fewer people may actually know what psoriasis actually is and how it comes about.

Psoriasis can present in a few different ways, but most commonly, it is characterised by ‘plaques’ on the skin covered in silvery scales. Affected skin is often red and angry, painful to the touch, itchy, and easily irritated. Psoriasis predominantly affects the skin, where it can affect only a small area or large swathes of the body, but can also affect the joints and eyes. It is a chronic disease that is prone to periods of flaring up.

Psoriasis is largely thought to be an autoimmune disease. Autoimmunity occurs when our immune systems mistake healthy cells within the human body for threats and try to protect us accordingly. The immune response often consists of inflammation, a process that’s designed to protect cells in the short term from environmental threats, but can be damaging over longer periods.

We still don’t fully understand why some people get psoriasis and others don’t. Currently, most skin scientists believe that it’s a combination of genetics and environmental factors. It’s also been shown that those suffering with psoriasis are also more likely to have other autoimmune conditions, including some forms of arthritis. 

Never Fear, LUMI’s Here!

There’s no need to fear psoriasis, though, despite its prevalence and chronic nature. Treatment of symptoms is generally very effective and focuses on improving the condition of skin, which is something recommended by skin experts for everyone. By doing right by your skin, you won’t just be keeping psoriasis at bay, but nourishing skin and making it even healthier than it was before!

Whilst scientists have struggled to understand exactly how psoriasis occurs in the first place, there is thankfully much more of a consensus on how to treat it. As psoriasis does not have a cure, treatment revolves around minimising its symptoms.

Treatment for psoriasis is all about topical care. Whilst severe cases may need steroid creams and other medical therapies, mild-to-moderate psoriasis symptoms can usually be handled by improving the condition of skin through emollients, which moisturise and soothe skin, and keratolytics, which remove unwanted build-up of skin, hair, and other detritus from the skin’s surface.

There’s no better place to start when it comes to LUMI products than our brilliant Bio-Klinik series! 

Estonia’s first hypoallergenic and prebiotic skincare line, Bio-Klinik has been specifically designed to work with any skin, no matter the type, condition, or level of sensitivity. Bio-Klinik Moisture-Lock Body Cream strengthens and protects skin, nourishing its surface and improving its condition immediately. Included keratolytics such as natural lactic acid and citric acid also help minimise psoriasis plaques.

If psoriasis is present on the scalp, the Bio-Klinik Moisture-lock Toner is an excellent choice. This tonic not only delivers the calming and moisturizing benefits indicated by its name but also boasts a rich blend of minerals and prebiotics. These elements work together to alleviate itching and dryness while fortifying the skin, enhancing its resilience and health.

But it doesn’t stop there! Whilst Bio-Klinik provides the perfect foundation to any psoriasis treatment, we’ve also developed some more specialised products for those looking to add specifics to their psoriasis skincare routine.

The Smooth Estonian AHA-BHA Anti-Cellulite Gel isn’t just the best-named product at LUMI, it’s also fantastically effective! The headline alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxy acids (AHA & BHA) are a potent source of those all-important keratolytic compounds. Not only do these acids make for a highly effective anti-cellulite treatment, but they also work similar miracles on psoriasis plaques, too!

If skin is in a very poor condition and water-based products sting, try our soothing and effective CBD+ Repair Salve. The oil-based salve uses cannabinoids and other clever natural compounds to repair and protect skin, with no pain! 

And for an extra boost, why not try our LUMITEEK Restore! Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Supplements, giving your body the vital resources it needs to keep you healthy and minimise the production of keratin-based psoriasis plaques? You’ll have this unwelcome ailment under control in no time!

So, there you have it. Psoriasis, though sometimes considered a minor condition, can have a sizeable impact on our happiness and health. But with the right help from LUMI, you can have your skin back to its healthy, radiant best in no time. You won’t regret taking back control of your skin!

Ready to give your skin the helping hand it needs to keep psoriasis at bay? Click on any of the links above to see a product in more detail, or check out our entire range of psoriasis solutions right here! After something else? Take a peek at our entire range of science-led, all-natural skincare solutions. Your skin will thank you!


  1. Armstrong AW, Read C. Pathophysiology, Clinical Presentation, and Treatment of Psoriasis: A Review. JAMA. 2020 May 19;323(19):1945-1960. 
  2. Castela E, Archier E, Devaux S, Gallini A, Aractingi S, Cribier B, Jullien D, Aubin F, Bachelez H, Joly P, Le Maître M, Misery L, Richard MA, Paul C, Ortonne JP. Topical corticosteroids in plaque psoriasis: a systematic review of efficacy and treatment modalities. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2012 May;26 Suppl 3:36-46. 
  3. Johns Hopkins Medicine. 2024. Psoriasis. 
  4. Kim WB, Jerome D, Yeung J. Diagnosis and management of psoriasis. Can Fam Physician. 2017 Apr;63(4):278-285. 
  5. Mayo Clinic. 2024. Psoriasis. 
  6. Nair PA, Badri T. Psoriasis. 2023 Apr 3. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan–. PMID: 28846344.
  7. NHS. 2024. Psoriasis.
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The Skin-Brain Axis: Exploring Psychodermatology and Neurocosmetics with LUMI!

Have you ever considered that our skin is the main meeting point between the outside world and our inner selves? That our brains and our skin are connected in a multitude of ways, and through these connections, each can bring about incredible change in the other? Welcome to the world of psychodermatology!

Psychodermatology is one of the hottest topics to have come out of skin science in recent years, and the skincare world is alive with discussion on this new frontier of health. It’s a truly fascinating subject, and one that affects all of us every single day, whether we fully understand what it is or not!

“But how can that be?” We hear you ask! Well, whilst psychodermatology might be a relatively new field of study, the connections and consequences that it seeks to understand have been present for as long as there have been humans. 

Did you know, for example, that an estimated 30-60% of dermatologic conditions have a psychiatric component to them? And what are goosebumps when you’re scared, or blushing cheeks at the sight of a crush, if not an obvious connection between your thoughts and your skin?

Interested in learning more? Then read on, as we delve into the world of psychodermatology – what it is, why it’s important, and how neurocosmetics, a branch of skincare that embraces psychodermatology to its fullest, can help make our skin and our minds that much healthier!

And what’s more, we’ll even take a look at how LUMI are utilising neurocosmetics – including a sneak peek of a very special future project of ours. Let’s get started! 

What is Psychodermatology?

Broadly speaking, psychodermatology is the study of the connection between our skin and our brains. You might also hear this connection described as the ‘Skin-Brain Axis’. Psychodermatology looks at the interaction between dermatology and psychiatry, and tries to understand the two-way relationship that exists between skin conditions and mental health conditions.

The skin and brain are connected in multiple different ways. The skin relays messages to the brain, concerning temperature, touch, and pain, to name but a few, and the brain can send messages back, ordering the skin to behave in certain ways. 

This is why, as we mentioned in our intro, emotions felt by the brain may also manifest in the skin – goosebumps when we feel scared, blushing (caused by vasodilation) when we’re embarrassed, or sweating when we feel nervous.

When the skin or the brain are unwell or put under stress, because of the skin-brain axis, it is common for the other organ (and often more besides!) to be affected as well. If something affects both the brain and the skin through their connection, it’s often referred to as a psychodermatologic disorder.

What might a psychodermatologic disorder look like? Well, naturally, these issues can take many forms. Those predominantly based in the brain might be conditions such as anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and many others besides. These conditions, alongside other impacts, put the body under psychological stress.

Psychological stress can have a profound and lasting impact on the skin. By increasing the amount of cortisol, neuropeptides, and oxidation occurring in our bodies, stress can impact skin barrier function, regeneration, inflammation levels, oxidative damage, and also lead to increased pain and sensitivity.

As we mentioned, though, this skin-brain connection is a two-way street. Whilst the brain and its concerns can influence the skin’s functioning, the reverse is also true. Dermatological conditions such as acne, seborrheic dermatitis, and eczema can affect our mood and sense of self-worth, potentially leading to heightened anxiety, depression, or fear of socialising and being outside.

This interconnectedness between skin and brain, with concerns in one area affecting the other and vice versa, can lead to the formation of a vicious cycle, where a feedback loop is created: your skin is in poor condition, which affects your brain negatively, which in turn makes your skin worse, which makes your mood worse, etc.! As you can imagine, and may have even experienced yourself, this can make for an incredibly tough time that is difficult to resolve.

Fortunately, it’s not all doom and gloom. Just as the skin-brain axis allows for negative feedback loops to emerge, it also allows the opportunity for positive cycles of change. Imagine, if you will, skincare products that can not only improve the condition of your skin, but also have a sizeable positive impact on your psychological health, too. Well, there’s no need to imagine, because they already exist, and they’re called neurocosmetics!

The New World of Neurocosmetics

Neurocosmetics, put simply, are skincare products that use the skin-brain axis to positively effect our minds as well as our skin. 

By utilising nerve endings, Merkel cells (upper layers of skin that recognise touch and temperature), and the central nervous system, these compounds can elicit changes far away from where they’re applied. It’s a truly cutting-edge area of skincare science, and we can guarantee that you’ll hear a lot more about them in the second half of this decade!

Neurocosmetics can be designed to help improve our overall mood through sensory stimuli, or to address specific issues. By targeting nerve clusters, compounds can mimic sensations such as hot, cold, tingling, or pressure, and can use these pseudo-sensations to bring the mind to a happier, more soothed state. It has been shown in a recent study that even something as subtle as a change in product texture can have a recordable impact on human emotions.

Many neurocosmetics are used to treat the signs of aging. Wrinkles are in part caused by excessive stress on the facial muscles caused by neurotransmitters that tell the muscles to contract. By blocking the amount of these transmitters that reach our skin cells, neurocosmetics can relax muscles and soften the appearance of wrinkles.

Similar neurocosmetics have also been developed to make hypersensitive skin less reactive to environmental irritation, and to soothe and reduce inflammation, all by limiting the amount of information passed through and from the brain. These compounds are already showing the incredible promise of neurocosmetics, and they’re sure to be an increasingly vital element of the skincare industry as time goes on!

LUMI Leads the Way with Neurocosmetics!

As LUMI fans already know, we have a passion for capturing the latest achievements in skin science and are always at the forefront of innovation, often steps ahead of trends! Whether it’s using plant stem cells that positively affect the microbiota or algae-based silicon dioxide that captures rather than emits carbon during production – we are dedicated to sourcing research-based and organic skincare ingredients.

It’s no surprise that we were early adopters of neurocosmetics and plan to continue integrating these powerful new discoveries into our products!

LUMI introduced neurocosmetics back in 2016 with our SUPERBLOOM Vitamin C Night Serum. This formulation includes an organic microalgae blend that inhibits two major neurotransmitters, reducing the signs of premature aging and giving the skin a rejuvenated appearance. With consistent use, you might notice waking up each morning with healthier, more radiantly youthful skin!

Our ICONIC Overnight Peptide Treatment contains compounds derived from fermentation processes that regulate the neurotransmitters reaching the skin cells, helping to relax facial tension, mimic muscles, and the appearance of wrinkles. The night cream allows the skin to relax and initiate powerful recovery processes.

The TUNDRA Pimple Stopper, containing CBD and CBG, reduces stress on the skin like tightness, dryness, redness, uneven texture, and is suitable for anyone experiencing acne or occasional stress-related skin reactions.

MEN Honey I’m Home Balm not only soothes skin stress reactions with its name but also with its calming and redness-reducing ingredients, including LUMI favorites CBD and CBG, creating an immediate comfort on the skin that helps forget any irritated skin.

So, what does the future hold for LUMI and neurocosmetics? Definitely a lot! While we can’t reveal all our exciting plans right now, we can confidentially say that we plan to use plant stem cell technology even more! This is well reflected by Sunbrero, which quickly became a favorite for stress relief!!

Ready to embrace the power of neurocosmetics to give your skin-brain axis a boost? Click on the links above to be whisked away straight to the product you had your eye on. Or fancy picking up another of our all-natural, science-backed skincare solutions? Check out our entire product range right here!


  1. Allure Magazine. (2023). These Will Be the Biggest Skin-Care Trends of 2024. 
  2. Chen, Y., & Lyga, J. (2014). Brain-skin connection: stress, inflammation and skin aging. Inflammation & allergy drug targets, 13(3), 177–190. 
  3. Graubard, R., Perez-Sanchez, A., & Katta, R. (2021). Stress and Skin: An Overview of Mind Body Therapies as a Treatment Strategy in Dermatology. Dermatology practical & conceptual, 11(4), e2021091. 
  4. Harvard Health Publishing. (2023). Oxytocin: The love hormone. 
  5. Jafferany M. (2007). Psychodermatology: a guide to understanding common psychocutaneous disorders. Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry, 9(3), 203–213. 
  6. Mar, K., & Rivers, J. K. (2023). The Mind Body Connection in Dermatologic Conditions: A Literature Review. Journal of cutaneous medicine and surgery, 27(6), 628–640. 
  7. Rizzi, V., Gubitosa, J., Fini, P., and Cosma, P. (2021). Neurocosmetics in Skincare—The Fascinating World of Skin–Brain Connection: A Review to Explore Ingredients, Commercial Products for Skin Aging, and Cosmetic Regulation. Cosmetics, 8(3), 66. 
  8. Roso, A., Aubert, A., Cambos, S., Vial, F., Schäfer, J., Belin, M., Gabriel, D., & Bize, C. (2024). Contribution of cosmetic ingredients and skin care textures to emotions. International journal of cosmetic science, 46(2), 262–283. 
  9. Vytrus Biotech. (2024). Kannabia Sense™ – The Microbiota Whisperer. 
  10. Zhang, H., Wang, M., Zhao, X., Wang, Y., Chen, X., & Su, J. (2024). Role of stress in skin diseases: A neuroendocrine-immune interaction view. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 116, 286–302. 
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Cleansing, Not Scouring – The Importance of Gentle Face Cleansers!

You might think, dear reader, that skin cleansing is rather straightforward. No matter how you do it, or when, or what with, the results are pretty similar, right? No! This common assumption couldn’t be further from the truth, we’re afraid, and it could be causing your skin to needlessly suffer.

But fear not, as help is at hand! We here at LUMI love to steep ourselves in the science of skincare, and have been busy at work combing the latest research into how best to cleanse skin without damaging it or its microbiome in the process.

So, without further ado, let’s explore everything you could want to know about skin cleansing, and find out how you can keep your skin happy and healthy!

Leave the Foam Alone – The Uncomfortable Truth of Synthetic Surfactants

There are a lot of cleansing products on the market today. You need only walk through the cosmetics aisle of your nearest supermarket to find dozens of different cleansers, all with varying ingredients and compositions. 

You might be forgiven for thinking that this means the stuff inside a cleansing product doesn’t really matter too much, and that there are only minor differences between the various options.

This is really not the case in practice, however. It’s important to stress that the type of cleansing product you use on your skin really matters. If you leave this article with only one fact in your mind, let it be that one! 

Cleansing products work by using surfactants (surface active agents). Surfactants are compounds that reduce the surface tension of liquids and help remove unwanted debris from the surface of the skin.

So far so good, but surfactants are not all created equal. Synthetic surfactants, such as those found in the cleansers of most big-name skincare brands, can be harsh on skin, stripping away natural oils on the skin’s surface and damaging the skin’s protective barrier.

And that’s not all. Thanks to their toxicity and slow biodegradability, synthetic surfactants can have a detrimental impact on the environment, as well as the health of your skin. The skin’s microbiome can be severely affected by synthetic surfactants, leading to dysbiosis, a state where our essential microflora are imbalanced or depleted.

Sodium lauryl ether sulfate, also written on labels as sodium laurel sulfate or SLES, is an extremely common synthetic surfactant, found in lots of cleansers, shampoos, and shower gels. It’s lauded for its cheapness to produce, ability to bind to dirt, and for how much foam it produces (which users often falsely equate with effectiveness). 

But there is plenty of evidence to suggest that SLES is bad news for both our skin and the environment. Studies have found that SLES reduces cell viability of skin, commonly causes irritation including redness and itching, and can also be toxic for aquatic life if the compound reaches marine environments before properly degrading.

After all that, it might surprise you to find out that SLES is supposedly an improvement on its parent chemical, sodium lauryl sulfate (SFS), which can still be found in many products today. SFS is notorious for its ability to cause irritation to skin and its toxic effects on aquatic life.

A study found that after using SFS, lower amounts of bacteria associated with skin protection and repair were present on participants’ skin, whilst levels of pathogen-associated bacteria were elevated. 

It’s not just SFS and SLES that cause issues, though. Another common synthetic surfactant that is supposed to be ‘kinder’ than SFS, called sodium lauryl sarcosinate, has been shown to reduce the amount of beneficial microbiota present on skin and reduce the skin’s protective barrier function. 

All in all, we think synthetic surfactants are simply too much trouble, both for humans and the environment. That’s why we’re so keen on natural alternatives! 

LUMI Cleansing Milks – Brilliantly Effective Whilst Gentle on Skin!

Okay, so synthetic surfactants are out. But what can you use in their place? Fortunately, there are plenty of organic alternatives to choose from! 

Natural cleansers can perform the exact same function as synthetic surfactant-based washes, removing dirt, dead skin, and other detritus, whilst being much kinder to your skin and its microbiome in the process. Research shows that products with lots of chemicals and complex compositions are in general no better at cleansing the skin than those with natural, simple compositions.

At LUMI, we place a lot of importance in both cleansing skin and always being gentle enough to leave the skin barrier healthy, happy, and intact. Our team of skincare specialists have developed two brilliant cleansing milks, each designed to fit perfectly into your routine, depending on your individual needs.

Our classic Moisturising Cleansing Milk effectively cleanses the skin’s surface without upsetting the balance of your microbiome or damaging the skin’s protective barrier. And thanks to its 100% organic composition, you can be assured that your cleanser will be just as gentle on the environment as it is on your skin.

The Tundra AHA-BHA Cleansing Milk offers the same thorough-yet-gentle cleansing and fully natural composition, whilst also including AHA-BHA acids that gently exfoliate the skin and prevents clogged pores. This cleansing milk helps keep acne at bay and is perfect for anyone seeking to enrich their skincare routine with those all-important keratolytics! 

Whilst not a cleansing milk, we’d also like to shout out our brilliant Babyface makeup remover. BABYFACE is specially formulated to be an effective cleanser for the whole face that doesn’t irritate the skin or your eyes, an all-too-common complaint with artificial makeup removers. As if that wasn’t enough, BABYFACE also nourishes your skin and its microbiome, too. We couldn’t live without it!

No matter the specifics of your skin or what you want from a cleansing product, LUMI have you covered – all without using those dreaded synthetic surfactants that are such bad news for both us and the environment!

Some Extra Tips for Great Skin Cleansing – Direct From Our LUMI Skincare Experts

1. Don’t double cleanse It can be really tempting to overdo it when it comes to skincare products. If one dollop of something is good, then two must be even better, right? Unfortunately not. 

 This logic should never be used for cleansing! Products are formulated to be used exactly as their label suggests, and a second cleanse isn’t likely to make you cleaner, but instead degrade your skin and the helpful bacteria on its surface.

 2. Cleanse once a day – Most people know by now that washing your hair too often can strip it of its natural oils and cause more issues than it alleviates. A similar principle should be taken with your skin! 

Whilst cleansing is an essential part of any skincare routine, over-cleaning the skin will only serve to strip away essential oils from its surface, potentially leading to an overproduction of sebum and a host of other issues.

We recommend cleansing the skin once a day as part of your nighttime routine. There is little need to clean the skin after sleeping, and your skin will thank you for not overdoing it with the scrubbing!

 3. Use your fingers – You may have heard ‘tips’ suggesting that you use pads, cloths, or brushes whilst washing to better cleanse your skin. Some companies even sell electronic brushes that sand down your skin as if it were a piece of furniture!

Avoid all of these options, which range from pointless to downright detrimental. Your fingers are the perfect tool for washing your face, and as a bonus, they’re also completely free!

 4. Lukewarm water and nothing else – Do you often find that your skin is bright red after cleansing? Then you might be using water that’s too hot for your skin. Fight the temptation to scald your skin, and instead gently remove cleansing milk using lukewarm water. It’s just as effective, and a lot kinder to your skin!

On the topic of water, we recommend that you stick to simple H2O. There is really no need to use products such as micellar water to rinse off a cleanser, and it could potentially cause irritation and other issues. Your skin is built for water – stick to it!


Ready to ditch the synthetic surfactants and start giving your skin the kindness it craves? Click on either of the products mentioned above to be whisked away to our wonderful webstore. Looking for something else? Check out our entire range of science-backed, all-natural skincare solutions right here!



  1.   Adu SA, Twigg MS, Naughton PJ, Marchant R, Banat IM. Glycolipid Biosurfactants in Skincare Applications: Challenges and Recommendations for Future Exploitation. Molecules. 2023 May 31;28(11):4463.
  2.   Güder S Sr, Güder H. Investigation of the Chemical Content and User Comments on Facial Cleansing Products. Cureus. 2023 May 7;15(5):e38673.
  3.   Leoty-Okombi, S.; Gillaizeau, F.; Leuillet, S.; Douillard, B.; Le Fresne-Languille, S.; Carton, T.; De Martino, A.; Moussou, P.; Bonnaud-Rosaye, C.; André, V. Effect of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) Applied as a Patch on Human Skin Physiology and Its Microbiota. Cosmetics. 2021, 8, 6.
  4.   Mijaljica D, Spada F, Harrison IP. Skin Cleansing without or with Compromise: Soaps and Syndets. Molecules. 2022 Mar 21;27(6):2010.
  5.   Paciello S, Russo T, De Marchi L, Soares AMVM, Meucci V, Pretti C, He Y, Della Torre C, Freitas R. Sub-lethal effects induced in Mytilus galloprovincialis after short-term exposure to sodium lauryl sulfate: Comparison of the biological responses given by mussels under two temperature scenarios. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2023 Aug;270:109644.
  6.   Townsend N, Hazan A, Dell’Acqua G. New Topicals to Support a Healthy Scalp While Preserving the Microbiome: A Report of Clinical and in Vitro Studies. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2023 Oct;16(10 Suppl 1):S4-S11.
  7.   Walters RM, Mao G, Gunn ET, Hornby S. Cleansing formulations that respect skin barrier integrity. Dermatol Res Pract. 2012;2012:495917.
  8.   Zhao H, Yu F, Wang C, Han Z, Liu S, Chen D, Liu D, Meng X, He X, Huang Z. The impacts of sodium lauroyl sarcosinate in facial cleanser on facial skin microbiome and lipidome. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2024 Apr;23(4):1351-1359.
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How Menopause Affects the Skin – And How LUMI Can Help!

Menopause is something that half of the entire world will experience at some point in their lives. It’s very likely that every person reading this article knows someone who is going through menopause right now, in fact! The changes caused by menopause can often be dramatic, and can affect bodily functions as varied as our sleep, our hearts, our weight, our bladder, and our mental health.

It shouldn’t come as any surprise then that the menopause also affects the skin. Oftentimes, the effects of the menopause on skin are rolled into those of aging, with ‘anti-aging’ products touted as cures for everything. As anyone who has relied solely on these products already knows – this could not be further from the truth!

The reality is that menopause is a unique time for your body, with its own specific challenges to overcome, and problems that need to be addressed. It can be tough! But don’t fear, dear reader, for help is at hand. LUMI are here to assist, with a swathe of totally organic, science-backed solutions for any skin problem you may have. 

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some common menopause-related skin issues, as well as some fresh and fantastic LUMI products that will have your skin back to its best in no time!

Reduced Collagen and Elastin

One of the starkest changes you may notice during menopause is a decline in collagen and elastin within the skin. Women’s skin loses roughly 30% of collagen during the first five years of menopause, and a further 2% each year for the next two decades. This is because of a reduction in the amount of oestrogen present in the body.

The result of this collagen and elastin scarcity is that skin will begin to sag, losing its shape and firmness. Pores become larger, and wrinkles and facial lines that may have only appeared whilst making certain expressions might now be permanent features of the face. Skin barrier strength and wound healing properties of skin are also reduced, making you more physically vulnerable.

To remedy this situation, it’s important to assist skin in its production of collagen and elastin. Adding peptides to the skin, such as those found in our ICONIC Overnight Peptide Treatment, stimulates collagen production. Similarly, bakuchiol, found in several of our products, has been shown to have a retinol-like effect on skin, increasing collagen and elastin production. We recommend trying our ICONIC Well-Aging Treatment especially!


Skin Sensitivity and Newfound Allergies

The drop in oestrogen caused by menopause can in turn affect many properties of the skin, including its thickness and amount of sensitivity. It is common for those going through perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause to notice that skin is thinner and more sensitive than it once was.

In addition, because your hormone levels and immune system are linked, the sudden loss of estrogen that occurs during menopause can often bring with it newfound allergies to things you previously tolerated well. 

LUMI’s Bio-Klinik Series is Estonia’s first totally organic hypoallergenic skincare range. Each product has been specially designed to be used on any and all skin, no matter how sensitive, so they are the perfect fit for menopausal bodies going through a lot of change!

Melasma (Hyperpigmentation)

A combination of changing hormone levels and UV exposure can lead to hyperpigmentation of the face, hands, neck, and chest. This is sometimes called facial and extra-facial melasma. The condition is more likely to affect those with darker natural skin, and whilst benign, can affect our confidence and happiness with our appearance.

Interestingly, it is not thought that menopause itself causes the onset of melasma, but rather that one of the hormones used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT), progesterone, is the primary reason for its appearance. For similar reasons, melasma can also affect pregnant women and women using some oral contraceptives.

LUMI have plenty of solutions to help you tackle hyperpigmentation. For topical use, we recommend one of our LUMI all-stars, the award-winning NAKED Hyaluronic Acid Multiserum. The multiserum’s unique composition helps with aforementioned melasma, as well as menopausal acne, rosacea, and much more. 

For extra help, the LUMITEEK Restore! Vitamin B3 (Niacin) food supplement tablets are the perfect source of a vital nutrient for your body that not only helps with hyperpigmentation, but also supports skin elasticity, reduces redness and blemishes, and has anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects! 

Sweating, Dry Skin, and Itching

Menopause can cause your body to sweat much more profusely than usual. This is not just contained to the infamous ‘hot flashes’, either – studies have shown that women sweat more frequently and more intensely in general during menopause. Skin can also become very dry during the menopause. These two factors can both lead to prolonged periods of itchy skin that can make you feel very uncomfortable.

The solution to itchy skin will depend based on the root cause, but it’s always a great idea to cleanse skin effectively and moisturise skin thoroughly afterward. For cleansing, LUMI boasts an array of effective cleansing milks, including the fantastic Moisturising Cleansing Milk, which does a brilliant job of removing dirt, sweat, and other buildup from skin without being harsh enough to degrade skin cells and damage the skin’s microbiome.

For moisturising, we recommend our Bio-Klinik Restorative Moisturiser, a powerful cream that manages to be hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive skin, whilst still boasting a wealth of moisturising, anti-aging, and microbiome-restoring properties. It’s perfect for menopausal skin that may be feeling more sensitive than usual!

Menopausal Acne

Menopausal acne is surprisingly common amongst women going through menopause and can cause unwelcome discomfort at a point where life is already challenging! Much like with teenage acne, the main cause of menopausal acne is rapidly changing hormones and the imbalances that occur as a consequence. 

Our international award-winning LUMI Tundra range has been specially formulated for acne-prone skin. The three-part Tundra skincare routine bundle contains everything you might need to banish menopausal acne – an effective but gentle cleansing milk and moisturiser both containing AHA-BHA acids, and a yarrow facial mist with salicylic acid. It’s the perfect combination! 

Ready to help your skin stay at its most healthy and radiant throughout menopause and beyond? You can find our entire range of all-natural, award-winning skincare solutions right here!

Want to have a chat with one of our LUMI experts and figure out a skincare regime that’s tailormade for your skin? Contact us here – we love nothing more than helping people love their skin again!



  1. American Academy of Dermatology Association (2023). Caring for Your Skin in Menopause. 
  2. Calleja-Agius, J., & Brincat, M. (2012). The effect of menopause on the skin and other connective tissues. Gynecological endocrinology: the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology, 28(4), 273–277. 
  3. Crandall, C. J., Mehta, J. M., & Manson, J. E. (2023). Management of Menopausal Symptoms: A Review. JAMA, 329(5), 405–420. 
  4. Khunger, N., & Mehrotra, K. (2019). Menopausal Acne – Challenges And Solutions. International journal of women’s health, 11, 555–567. 
  5. Lephart, E. D., & Naftolin, F. (2021). Menopause and the Skin: Old Favorites and New Innovations in Cosmeceuticals for Estrogen-Deficient Skin. Dermatology and therapy, 11(1), 53–69. 
  6. Mpofana, N., Chibi, B., Gqaleni, N., Hussein, A., Finlayson, A. J., Kgarosi, K., & Dlova, N. C. (2023). Melasma in people with darker skin types: a scoping review protocol on prevalence, treatment options for melasma and impact on quality of life. Systematic reviews, 12(1), 139. 
  7. Murota, H., Yamaga, K., Ono, E., Murayama, N., Yokozeki, H., & Katayama, I. (2019). Why does sweat lead to the development of itch in atopic dermatitis?. Experimental dermatology, 28(12), 1416–1421. 
  8. Ritter, C. G., Fiss, D. V., Borges da Costa, J. A., de Carvalho, R. R., Bauermann, G., & Cestari, T. F. (2013). Extra-facial melasma: clinical, histopathological, and immunohistochemical case-control study. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology: JEADV, 27(9), 1088–1094. 
  9. Thornton M. J. (2013). Estrogens and aging skin. Dermato-endocrinology, 5(2), 264–270. 
  10. University of Oxford Medical Sciences Division (2023). Symptoms of Menopause.
  11. Zouboulis, C. C., Blume-Peytavi, U., Kosmadaki, M., Roó, E., Vexiau-Robert, D., Kerob, D., & Goldstein, S. R. (2022). Skin, hair and beyond: the impact of menopause. Climacteric: the journal of the International Menopause Society, 25(5), 434–442.
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Why are AHA acids beneficial for the skin?

The primary effect of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) lies in their keratolytic capability, which weakens the bonds holding dead skin cells together. As these bonds loosen, dead cells shed from the skin’s surface, revealing fresher, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin. This results in a light sensation and gives the impression that the skin is “breathing.”

Acid peeling stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, and ceramides in the skin. These components are essential for maintaining plump, healthy, and youthful-looking skin.

Regular acid peeling aids in cleansing the pores, leading to a noticeable reduction in inflammations and pimples over time. It also accelerates the fading of post-inflammatory signs, such as redness and pigmentation, on the skin. Additionally, acid peeling is effective for dry skin as it helps remove the dry layer on the skin’s surface, enhancing the absorption of serums and creams

Start your LUMI 15% AHA PLANT PEEL treatment now!

This approach allows the skin to recover before the intense spring sunshine while simultaneously preventing the exacerbation of common springtime skin issues, such as increased sebum secretion, surface dryness, or a worsening of inflammatory processes. It is recommended to use the acid peel once a week for a duration of six weeks.

LUMI 15% AHA PLANT PEEL offers maximum results with minimum irritation.

The AHA exfoliating offers a range of benefits, including:

  • Deep cleansing and tightening of pores;
  • Reduction in sebum secretion;
  • Relief from inflammation and acne;
  • Smoothing of wrinkles and scars;
  • Rejuvenation of the skin;
  • Relief from dryness;
  • Evening out of the skin tone;
  • Enhanced absorption of skincare products;
  • Improved skin texture, resulting in more even makeup application.

For optimal results, it’s recommended to undergo an acid peel once a week for a duration of six weeks, as part of a course. If needed, the course can be completed in a shorter period, but it’s important not to exceed a frequency of once per week. The product is potent, and the skin requires time to recover. With each passing week, you’ll notice the acid peeling becoming increasingly effective.

Apply a thin, even layer of the acid peeler to clean, damp skin using gentle massaging motions with a soft brush, and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Avoid the eye area. For sensitive, thin, or couperose skin, reduce the application time to between 5 and 10 minutes, adjusting as necessary. The scrub can also be used on the décolleté, shoulders, and back to address issues like blockages, inflamed pimples, or roughness.

A week before and after using the exfoliator it’s advisable to avoid sun tanning, using products containing vitamin A (including retinol), and any other activities that might irritate the skin.

After exfoliating, rejuvenate your skin with LUMI moisturising serum, cream, or mask. It’s crucial to hydrate and nourish the newly exposed fresh skin cells, as they will absorb these nutrients more effectively after the acid peel.

TIP! To prevent ingrown hairs on the legs or bikini area, use the LUMI 15% AHA plant peel. This effective solution makes strawberry skin a thing of the past! Apply it 1-2 times a week, and follow up with the Nudist+Bio-Klinik smoothie for daily hydration. This routine not only prevents ingrown hairs but also helps heal inflammations caused by existing ones. Your legs will be perfectly prepared for the first time you wear skirts this season! Remember, apply Nudist immediately after waxing or shaving to soothe the skin.

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Beauty is Anything But Skin Deep – How Vitamins and Minerals are Vital for Keeping Skin Healthy!

Keep your skin at its radiant best with our LUMITEEK series of vital nutritional supplements!

Gym-goers know well the phrase ‘you cannot out-train a poor diet’, and much is the same for skin health. Your skin, like the rest of your body, is a reflection of the nutrients you make available to it. If your skin is lacking the vital building blocks it needs to repair itself and function properly, then issues are bound to follow!

We can infuse the skin directly with most resources through creams, serums, and balms, but this will always be an uphill battle if the body is not properly nourished. 

If we want to avoid preventable skin diseases and keep our skin at its healthy and radiant best, then we need to provide it with all the vitamins it so readily craves. With busy lifestyles and modern food’s lack of nutrients, however, that can be a daunting task.

That’s where LUMI comes in! Our LUMITEEK range of dietary supplements has been specially formed to address common deficiencies that may be preventing your skin from returning to its natural healthy radiance. With a holistic approach that treats skin issues from the inside as well as out, your chances of success are that much higher!

Let’s explore some of our most popular supplements, looking at why they’re important for our bodies and why our clients love them so much!

LUMITEEK No. 1 – Zinc

We’ve written at length before about the benefits of zinc and the symptoms of zinc deficiency. It’s one of our favourite topics, in fact, because zinc plays such an important role in the health of skin and our entire bodies. The mineral contributes towards cell renewal, collagen production, and wound repair, as well as being an important antioxidant.

It’s so important to our skin, in fact, that a zinc deficiency can lead to a range of skin diseases, including rosacea, eczematous dermatitis, acne, and psoriasis, with symptoms improving once zinc was administered. Zinc supplements are also often given to those suffering from infectious and inflammatory diseases, but it’s always a good idea to keep your body topped up no matter how you’re feeling. Your skin will thank you!

Our LUMITEEK Essential! Bioactive Zinc capsules contain easily absorbable zinc diglycinate, perfect for keeping your skin healthy, powerful, and radiant. For ultimate protection, try combining zinc with skin superstar niacinamide – grab both at once with our brilliant LUMITEEK Skinguard! B3 Vitamin + Bioactive Zinc bundle!

LUMITEEK No. 2 – Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Niacin, or Vitamin B3, is a hot topic in the skincare world (see our blog all about it right here!). A darling of the industry, niacin is one of the few wonder ingredients that really does live up to the hype! It’s found naturally in lots of foods and is vital for the functioning of the body as a whole, including energy conversion, healthy cholesterol and fat synthesis, DNA creation and repair, and antioxidation.

With regards to skin, the vitamin has been shown to improve skin barrier function, reduce pore size and the production of sebum, increase collagen levels, reduce redness, and minimise hyperpigmentation and sallowness. Niacin binds with compounds in the body to create NAD+, a coenzyme that has been shown to be vital for keeping skin youthful by preserving its ability to replicate and function properly.

Niacin really is a skin superstar!

Here at LUMI, we only use the niacinamide form of niacin in our products, including our LUMITEEK Restore! Vitamin B3 (Niacin) supplements. This derivative of niacin is well tolerated by the body and does not cause skin flushing, unlike niacin in the form of nicotinic acid. It’s always worth checking the labels of products containing niacin to see what’s really inside!

LUMITEEK No. 3 – Selenium

Selenium is an often overlooked but essential trace element that has an important function in the body. Primarily an antioxidant, selenium plays a vital role in eliminating free radicals – these wayward particles speed up aging by damaging healthy cells. Selenium has also been shown to play a role in minimising some cancers and boosting immunity, whilst oxidative stress (something antioxidants reduce) has been linked to a host of skin and wider body issues.

There is a clear link between selenium levels and the prevalence of some skin diseases. Studies have found that high selenium levels tended to be a protective factor with regards to the prevalence of psoriasis, acne, and atopic dermatitis. The benefits of antioxidants for skin are well-documented, reducing inflammation and helping your body properly repair itself.

Humans are incapable of synthesising selenium themselves, so must rely on external sources to acquire this vital ingredient for proper bodily functioning. Our LUMITEEK Cellular Health! Selenium supplements contain a bioactive, highly absorbable form of selenium that provide your body with the perfect daily amount needed to keep you at your best and keep those pesky free radicals at bay!

LUMITEEK No. 4 – Beauty & Brains! Bioactive B-Complex

What could be better for you than a single vitamin boost? Why, a whole host of vitamins, of course! B vitamins are completely essential to our bodies, performing an incredibly wide and varied set of functions within us. From heart function to cell division, and from immunity support to amino acid synthesis, B vitamins are integral to every single cell in our body.

That includes the largest organ of all – the skin! Our LUMITEEK Beauty & Brains! Bioactive B-Complex supplements contain a wide range of vitamins B1 through to B9, providing your body with key nutrients that keep the body functioning smoothly and keep skin looking healthy and radiant.

B vitamins’ role in skin health has been well documented. We’ve already talked at length of the benefits of Niacin (B3), but other B vitamins have an important role, too. For example, biotin (B7) deficiency is associated with alopecia and the appearance of scaly dermatitis on areas of skin, whilst riboflavin (B2) has antioxidant properties. 

Every vitamin included in the supplement brings its own benefits to the table, and is research-proven to be vital for the proper functioning of your body, inside and out!

Ready to give your skin the nutritional boost it’s been craving? Find our entire range of LUMITEEK supplements right here. Looking for something else? You can view every one of our science-led, totally organic skincare solutions here!


  1. Gupta, M., Mahajan, V. K., Mehta, K. S., & Chauhan, P. S. (2014). Zinc therapy in dermatology: a review. Dermatology research and practice, 2014, 709152. 
  2. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (2023). The Nutrition Source – Niacin – Vitamin B3. 
  3. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (2023). The Nutrition Source – Selenium. 
  4. Kogan, S., Sood, A., & Garnick, M. S. (2017). Zinc and Wound Healing: A Review of Zinc Physiology and Clinical Applications. Wounds: a compendium of clinical research and practice, 29(4), 102–106. 
  5. Levin, J., & Momin, S. B. (2010). How much do we really know about our favorite cosmeceutical ingredients? The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology, 3(2), 22–41. 
  6. Lv, J., Ai, P., Lei, S., Zhou, F., Chen, S., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Selenium levels and skin diseases: systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology: organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS), 62, 126548. 
  7. Mahabadi, N., Bhusal, A., & Banks, S. W. (2023). Riboflavin Deficiency. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  8. Mock D. M. (1991). Skin manifestations of biotin deficiency. Seminars in dermatology, 10(4), 296–302. 
  9. Oblong J. E. (2014). The evolving role of the NAD+/nicotinamide metabolome in skin homeostasis, cellular bioenergetics, and aging. DNA repair, 23, 59–63. 
  10. Tinggi U. (2008). Selenium: its role as antioxidant in human health. Environmental health and preventive medicine, 13(2), 102–108.
  11. Zou, P., Du, Y., Yang, C., & Cao, Y. (2023). Trace element zinc and skin disorders. Frontiers in medicine, 9, 1093868.
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It’s Official – LUMI Has Europe’s BEST Natural Night Cream!

Science and nature combine forces in our award-winning ICONIC Overnight Peptide Treatment!

Natural skincare has changed. Whereas twenty years ago, the scope of organic skin treatment may have been limited to essential oils and simple herbal remedies, nowadays we see complex natural solutions that rival the efficacy of factory-produced industrial products – and often surpass them!

It’s safe to say that we are currently witnessing something of a revolution in skincare, lead by biotechnology advances and millions of people realising that what you do not include in your products is just as important as what goes in them. With every scientific breakthrough, we see the skincare landscape move away from harsh chemicals and isolated solutions, towards a more holistic approach to treatment that is kinder and more nourishing to skin.

As ever, LUMI leads this charge towards better skin health! Whether through our use of algae-based silica that is kinder to the planet and brings more benefits to our skin, or our adoption of the fantastic plant-based retinol alternative Bakuchiol, you will always find us at the cutting edge of natural science.

This science-first approach to organic skincare has never been more apparent than in our ICONIC Overnight Peptide Treatment. A gold medal winner in 2023’s European Natural Beauty Awards, this night cream represents the perfect combination of science and nature!

ICONIC Overnight Peptide Treatment is designed to prevent premature skin aging and lighten pigmentation spots without harming the skin’s microbiome – a concern that many artificial skincare products ignore, despite its vital importance to skin health.

Fermentation-derived peptides and other compounds help stimulate collagen production in the body, as well as the skin’s metabolism and regenerative capacity. By doing so, ICONIC Overnight Peptide Treatment causes cells to temporarily ‘lose memory’, relaxing and smoothing out wrinkles caused by tension and aging. The treatment’s organic cream base also helps to bring moisture to the skin – a vital component in any treatment!

Included cannabinoids help to repopulate and correct the body’s endocannabinoid system, a potent and oft-overlooked system of transmitters and receptors within the body that help us achieve homeostasis (the body’s natural balance). Combine the overnight peptide treatment with our ICONIC day cream for a 24-hour protective combination that’s sure to revitalise, repair, and reinforce your facial skin!

Ready to give your facial skin the ICONIC boost it’s been craving? Check out our award-winning night cream and other ICONIC products here. Want to see our full range of technology-driven, organic skincare solutions? Look right here!

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Happy Baby, Happy Parents: How LUMI Can Help Alleviate Common Skin Issues in Babies

Baby skin can be a unique challenge for a parent. Not only can little ones suffer more from skin diseases than older children or adults, but they can’t communicate with us or help themselves, either. What’s more, as a new parent, you’ve already got your plate full with hectic days and sleepless nights. It’s a stressful situation!

There’s no need to fear, however, because help is at hand! LUMI are here with a brilliant cast of skincare solutions for even the most sensitive skin that are sure to leave mum and baby smiling once more.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common infant skin conditions, and how LUMI can help keep those anguished cries and new parent fears at bay!

Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)

Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema and is characterised by dry, painful rashes anywhere on the body that can itch and become sore, as well as making skin more vulnerable to infection. The majority of atopic dermatitis sufferers first begin showing signs of the disease before they are six months old. It is thought that atopic dermatitis is likely an autoimmune condition with no cure, though symptoms do improve for some children as they get older. 

As there is no cure for atopic dermatitis, treating its symptoms and reducing discomfort is of paramount importance. Moisturising affected skin daily is vital for maintaining and strengthening your baby’s skin, which will reduce their irritation and chance of infection. 

LUMI’s Bio-Klinik series is Estonia’s first prebiotic and hypoallergenic skincare product line. Our Bio-Klinik Body Cream is specially formulated to be used by all ages and on even the most sensitive of skin – perfect for keeping your little one moisturised and protected, no matter what ails them.

Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is an ultimately harmless but quite unsightly condition that causes greasy, crusty patches to appear on a baby’s head (and occasionally other areas). You may be tempted to pick these scales, but doing so may harm your little one and can lead to infection.

Instead, try using a small amount of LUMI’s La-Laa Baby Oil on the affected area. Massage the oil gently into the scalp to help loosen and remove the flakes; you may want to use a very soft brush to assist. La-Laa’s organic composition is food-safe quality and packed with antioxidants and vitamins to give little ones extra protection. Be sure to rinse all oil off afterwards, as leaving any on the scalp may lead to a recurrence of the issue. 

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is an extremely common condition characterised by inflamed or irritated patches of skin on your baby’s bottom, inner thighs, or genitals. This can be caused by prolonged contact with wet diapers or by chafing at the point where the diaper meets your little one’s skin.

If you notice a diaper rash on your baby, you should try to check and change their diaper more frequently, and ensure that diapers and clothing are not fitted too tightly. To reduce the immediate symptoms of diaper rash, try using a cream or ointment such as LUMI’s Lullaby Rescue Balm – the zinc contained within is a tried-and-tested solution that reduces and prevents irritation.

Newborn Skin Peeling

Whilst not necessarily a skin disease, new parents may notice their child’s skin peeling immediately after birth. Skin peeling can last for a couple of weeks and is more common for babies born after their due date. 

The condition will usually resolve itself without any intervention from parents or other caregivers, but you may want to apply a moisturiser suitable for babies’ skin – such as LUMI’s Bio-Klinik Body Cream – to maintain the strength and protection of your little one’s skin barrier.

Get Set with LUMI!

Hopefully this brief dive into common baby skin issues has helped allay some first-time parent fears, and equipped with you the knowledge you need to deal with things like a pro. If you’re looking to pick up some of the LUMI solutions mentioned here for yourself or a new mum you’d like to spoil, look no further than our brilliant combo sets! 

Our LUMI Don’t Worry, Baby set makes for the perfect gift for an expecting mum. The set contains our fragrance-free, award-winning La-Laa Baby Oil, the versatile and multifunctional Lullaby Rescue Balm with non-nano zinc, and our latest offering, Baby On The Way multi-nutrient supplements, full of essential vitamins to help mum and baby get off to the perfect start!

Need an even more luxurious option? Try our Queen Mom set, containing everything from Don’t Worry, Baby, as well as our fantastic Bedroom Bliss Intimate Oil with CBD, sure to help new parents get their groove back in the bedroom!

  1.   Cleveland Clinic, (2023, September 19). If Your Newborn Has Peeling Skin, Here’s What That Means.
  2.   Hebert A. A. (2021). A new therapeutic horizon in diaper dermatitis: Novel agents with novel action. International journal of women’s dermatology, 7(4), 466–470.
  3.   Mayo Clinic, (2023). Cradle Cap.
  4.   Mayo Clinic, (2023). Diaper Rash.
  5.   National Eczema Assocition, (2023). Atopic Dermatitis.
  6.   NHS, (2023). Cradle cap.
  7. NI Direct, (2023). Eczema (atopic).
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Breaking Point: The Impact of Stress on Skin, and How LUMI and PĒLL Can Help!

The modern world is a stressful place. The news can be overwhelming, and the frenetic pace of living in an era of endless connectivity can take its toll on us, both mentally and physically. We can sometimes even contribute to our own stress by not giving the body what it needs.

If all that wasn’t enough, there are also things we may not immediately identify as ‘stressors’, but that exert the same kind of pressure on our bodies – factors such as pollution and even UV exposure. It can be tough out there!

Our skin is unfortunately not immune to the effects of all these stressors. If anything, it can display the impact of stress more quickly and severely than the rest of our bodies. That’s why it’s vital that we give our skin the helping hand it needs to prevent and recover from stress damage.

But how, you ask? Well, with LUMI and PĒLL, of course!

Today, we’re going to explore how different stressors affect your skin, and how a combination of all-natural skincare and potent phytocannabinoids from your two favourite Estonian innovators can help your skin fight back and feel great.

Let’s jump in!

You Do It To Yourself – Internal Stressors

When most of us think of stress, our minds will jump to mental or emotional pressure. Factors such as anxiety, prolonged low mood, or external triggers such as work or family commitments can all put our mind and body under a significant load of stress.

Our bodies can deal with mild amounts of stress over short periods, but prolonged periods of stress have been shown to contribute to and sometimes trigger skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis and acne, as well as speeding up the skin aging process.

This happens because stress triggers a ‘fight or flight’ response in our cells through cortisol production that leads to delayed wound healing (causing skin to regenerate imperfectly), reduced collagen production (vital for skin structure and elasticity) and oxidative stress.

It’s not just mental or emotional pressure that can force our skin into this fight or flight response, though! Putting our bodies through physical hardship, or depriving it of its needs, can also contribute greatly to premature aging. Factors such as extreme temperatures, lack of sleep, malnutrition, and infection can all take their toll on our skin on a cellular level, affecting the body in the same way as any other stressor.

Looking after your skin means looking after your whole body and its needs – it’s always a holistic endeavour!

You vs. The Universe – Environmental Stressors

As we mentioned earlier, stressors are not limited to merely internal factors. There are a host of environmental stressors that can impact your skin, whether by hastening the aging process or contributing to skin diseases. These environmental stressors can be far reaching. Tobacco smoke, radiation, pollution, and even some cosmetic products can all affect skin cells, triggering responses similar to that of internal stressors.

UV radiation contributes perhaps the largest, and certainly most consistent, stress upon our skin. Whilst many people think that the sun only causes damage if allowed to burn skin, the science is clear – photoaging (UV-caused skin aging) is a process that occurs whenever we are in direct sunlight. Photoaging is caused by UVA and UVB rays acting as stressors to skin cells and DNA, and can be responsible for wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and skin thickening (sometimes giving skin an almost leathery texture).

Repairing the Skin Damage Caused by Stress

Don’t worry! There’s no need to stress about stressors (if you’ll pardon the pun) because help is at hand. The most important, and perhaps most obvious, piece of advice we can give is to try and reduce the amount of stressors in your life, whether they be mental, physiological, or environmental. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is a well-known cliché for a reason!

Of course, it’s not always that simple. Sometimes, we simply cannot avoid stress and the impact it has on our skin. That’s where LUMI and PĒLL come in. Two of Estonia’s most innovative all-natural brands, the pair bring a wealth of skincare and cannabinoid solutions to help your body weather the storm of adult life.

LUMI have over a decade’s experience in mending and protecting skin from stressors both inside and out. Their creams are packed with ingredients such as fermented oat extract to restore and strengthen the skin barrier, whilst natural antioxidants from red algae and blackcurrant extract eliminate pesky free radicals, reducing oxidative stress.

Another favourite is bakuchiol (a plant-derived ingredient that has the efficacy of retinoids without much of their painful drawbacks), which has been shown to be clinically effective in rejuvenating skin by increasing collagen production. A breakdown of existing collagen and restriction of collagen production are common effects of photoaging. To round things off, included prebiotics and probiotics in many products help foster a healthy skin microbiome – vital in maintaining skin’s protective function and proper wound healing capabilities.

Cannabinoids represent an exciting new possibility when it comes to protecting and mending skin, and PĒLL are right at the forefront of things. There is an ever-growing body of research that suggests that the endocannabinoid system (ECS) – an internal network of signallers, signals, and receptors in the human body – plays a pivotal role in keeping our bodies healthy, including our skin.

Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown to be effective in bringing skin back towards homeostasis (optimal biological functioning) via the ECS in cases of skin disease such as acne and dermatitis, as well as restoring the skin barrier and helping with pigmentation issues.

Similar results have also been found for cannabigerol (CBG), another prevalent cannabinoid. In addition to helping reduce skin aging and repair the skin’s protective barrier, both CBD and CBG are also effective methods of managing stress and anxiety, helping to reduce the amount of stressors that reach your skin in the first place!

Both CBD and CBG oils are available from PĒLL, in a variety of strengths to suit your individual needs. The most brilliant aspect of PĒLL’s oils is that, because of their food grade quality and high efficacy, they can be consumed internally or applied externally on skin. Try mixing a few drops of PĒLL oil into your LUMI creams to complement your cannabinoid regime and watch how quickly great results follow!

The First Steps to Better Skin

Ready to start fighting back against stress? Help your body de-stress and rejuvenate your skin with the power combo of LUMI and PĒLL. We recommend the 40 & ICONIC Set, which is packed full of natural ingredients to help you restore your skin barrier, produce more collagen, and protect your body from free radicals.

For PĒLL oils, we recommend applying a few drops of medium strength 30% full-spectrum CBD extract under the tongue each day (proper dosage may vary from person-to-person), as well as mixing some more of the oil into your LUMI skin products.

Cast off the shackles of stress, and embrace a happier, healthier you with LUMI and PĒLL!


  1. Baswan, S. M., Klosner, A. E., Glynn, K., Rajgopal, A., Malik, K., Yim, S., & Stern, N. (2020). Therapeutic Potential of Cannabidiol (CBD) for Skin Health and Disorders. Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology, 13, 927–942.
  2. Battista, N., Di Tommaso, M., Bari, M., & Maccarrone, M. (2012). The endocannabinoid system: an overview. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 6, 9.
  3. Chen, Y., & Lyga, J. (2014). Brain-skin connection: stress, inflammation and skin aging. Inflammation & allergy drug targets, 13(3), 177–190.
  4. Debacq-Chainiaux, F., Leduc, C., Verbeke, A., & Toussaint, O. (2012). UV, stress and aging. Dermato-endocrinology, 4(3), 236–240.
  5. De Tollenaere, M., Meunier, M., Scandolera, A., Sandre, J., Lambert, C., Chapuis, E., Auriol, D., & Reynaud, R. (2020). Well-aging: A new strategy for skin homeostasis under multi-stressed conditions. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 19(2), 444–455.
  6. Dhaliwal, S., Rybak, I., Ellis, S. R., Notay, M., Trivedi, M., Burney, W., Vaughn, A. R., Nguyen, M., Reiter, P., Bosanac, S., Yan, H., Foolad, N., & Sivamani, R. K. (2019). Prospective, randomized, double-blind assessment of topical bakuchiol and retinol for facial photoageing. The British journal of dermatology, 180(2), 289–296.
  7. Graubard, R., Perez-Sanchez, A., & Katta, R. (2021). Stress and Skin: An Overview of Mind Body Therapies as a Treatment Strategy in Dermatology. Dermatology practical & conceptual, 11(4), e2021091.
  8. Kahan, V., Andersen, M. L., Tomimori, J., & Tufik, S. (2010). Can poor sleep affect skin integrity?. Medical hypotheses, 75(6), 535–537.
  9. Pandel, R., Poljšak, B., Godic, A., & Dahmane, R. (2013). Skin photoaging and the role of antioxidants in its prevention. ISRN dermatology, 2013, 930164.
  10. Parrado, C., Mercado-Saenz, S., Perez-Davo, A., Gilaberte, Y., Gonzalez, S., & Juarranz, A. (2019). Environmental Stressors on Skin Aging. Mechanistic Insights. Frontiers in pharmacology, 10, 759.
  11. Perez, E., Fernandez, J. R., Fitzgerald, C., Rouzard, K., Tamura, M., & Savile, C. (2022). In Vitro and Clinical Evaluation of Cannabigerol (CBG) Produced via Yeast Biosynthesis: A Cannabinoid with a Broad Range of Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Health-Boosting Properties. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 27(2), 491.
  12. Poljšak, B., & Milisav, I. (2012). Clinical implications of cellular stress responses. Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences, 12(2), 122–126.
  13. Tóth, K. F., Ádám, D., Bíró, T., & Oláh, A. (2019). Cannabinoid Signaling in the Skin: Therapeutic Potential of the “C(ut)annabinoid” System. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 24(5), 918.
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The Microbiome – Your Skin’s Greatest Ally!

Here at LUMI, we can’t go five minutes without mentioning the skin’s microbiome. We might talk about it more than any other topic, in fact! The reason we’re so obsessed is simple – maintaining a healthy microbiome is the single best thing you can do for your skin. But what is the skin microbiome, we hear you ask, and why is it so important? Well, let’s find out by diving into all things microbiological!

What Is The Skin Microbiome?

Our skin is home to millions of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and even viruses. We call this tiny but important community of life the microbiome of the skin. These microscopic lifeforms work with the human body and are integral to maintaining healthy skin.

The microbiome is our first line of defence against pathogens and other threats that might endanger our skin or the rest of our body. The layer of microbiota on the skin’s surface forms a physical barrier that prevents unwelcome microbes and substances from reaching the skin itself. When this barrier is broken or is not at its full protective capacity (because our microbiome is out-of-shape), we are more vulnerable to infection and skin degradation from environmental pollutants.

The benefits of the microbiome do not stop there, though! The microbiota on the surface of human skin helps retain moisture, minimise oxidative damage, and help to protect skin from UV radiation. Our immune systems actually communicate with bacteria on our skin’s surface and are used by the body to modulate a range of responses. The microbiome is even involved in repairing damaged skin and healing wounds!

It was discovered at the turn of the 21st century that some bacteria present within the human skin microbiome produce collagen-like proteins that help with skin maintenance. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is vital for skin structure, elasticity, and signaling. Studies have shown that when the skin microbiome is damaged or in a state of serious imbalance (known as dysbiosis), levels of collagen production decrease, which can lead to premature aging and other skin health issues.

The impact of skin dysbiosis is not limited just to collagen production. A damaged or unbalanced microbiome has been shown to affect long-term skin health, as well as increasing the prevalence of diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne. Research also suggests that the process of skin aging is in part associated with changes in the skin microbiome. Clearly, considering the intertwined nature of microbiome health and diversity with our own wellbeing, the skin’s microbiota cannot be ignored!

Photo: Caroline Sada

How Can I Help My Skin’s Microbiome?

With the microbiome being so essential to skin health, we all face an essential question – how can I maintain a happy, healthy, and diverse microbiome?

The first step, as with everything related to health, is to ensure your diet is varied and nutritious. By eating well, you give your body the resources it needs to properly control itself and make the surface of your skin the perfect environment for a thriving microbiome. Vegetables in particular are vital for skin health, whilst fermented foods such as kefir and sauerkraut help promote the health of microbiota both in the gut and on the surface of the skin.

For more targeted microbiome assistance, consider introducing probiotics and prebiotics to your skin. Probiotics are live microorganisms that are introduced to a microbiome to help repopulate or rebalance the microbial community. Prebiotics are selectively fermented ingredients designed to provide nutrition to and promote the growth of desirable microorganisms. Probiotics and prebiotics taken orally can improve the health of the gut microbiome (and through it, the rest of the body), whilst topically applied prebiotics and probiotics can greatly aid the skin’s microbiome.

All of LUMI’s products are designed with maintaining a healthy skin microbiome in mind. Our three guiding principles are embracing natural ingredients, cutting-edge science, and, most of all, balance. Never is this more important than when considering the needs of the billions of microbiota that call our bodies home.

You can see the results of this thinking in the decisions we make during production. Our cleansers never contain any surfactants or foaming agents, as these have been shown to disrupt the skin barrier and microbiome. In a similar vein, none of our products will ever contain added fragrances or preservatives – both can disrupt your microbiome and create, rather than solve, skin problems. We make liberal use of the polysaccharide hyaluronic acid in lots of LUMI products, which has been shown by several research studies to be the optimal prebiotic for restoring microbiome balance.

We offer a range of products crafted especially to restore and maintain your skin microbiome. There are far too many to list here, but a few highlights that we think you’ll love are the Atopic Smoothie Set, the NAKED Hyaluronic Acid Multiserum, and the 40 & ICONIC Set, all of which contain prebiotics and other helpful ingredients that are perfect for getting your microbiome back to its best!

Ready to take the first steps towards a happier, healthier microbiome? Talk to one of our LUMI skin experts today and find the products most suited to your individual needs – your skin will thank you!


  1. Al-Ghazzewi, F. H., & Tester, R. F. (2014). Impact of prebiotics and probiotics on skin health. Beneficial microbes, 5(2), 99–107.
  2. Boxberger, M., Cenizo, V., Cassir, N., et al., (2021). Challenges in exploring and manipulating the human skin microbiome. Microbiome, 9, 125.
  3. Byrd, A. L., Belkaid, Y., & Segre, J. A. (2018). The human skin microbiome. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 16(3), 143–155.
  4. Habeebuddin, M., Karnati, R. K., Shiroorkar, P. N., Nagaraja, S., Asdaq, S. M. B., Khalid Anwer, M., & Fattepur, S. (2022). Topical Probiotics: More Than a Skin Deep. Pharmaceutics, 14(3), 557.
  5. Ratanapokasatit, Y., Laisuan, W., Rattananukrom, T., Petchlorlian, A., Thaipisuttikul, I., & Sompornrattanaphan, M. (2022). How Microbiomes Affect Skin Aging: The Updated Evidence and Current Perspectives. Life (Basel, Switzerland), 12(7), 936.
  6. Rozas, M., Hart de Ruijter, A., Fabrega, M. J., Zorgani, A., Guell, M., Paetzold, B., & Brillet, F. (2021). From Dysbiosis to Healthy Skin: Major Contributions of Cutibacterium acnes to Skin Homeostasis. Microorganisms, 9(3), 628.
  7. Russo, E., Di Gloria, L., Cerboneschi, M., Smeazzetto, S., Baruzzi, G. P., Romano, F., Ramazzotti, M., & Amedei, A. (2023). Facial Skin Microbiome: Aging-Related Changes and Exploratory Functional Associations with Host Genetic Factors, a Pilot Study. Biomedicines, 11(3), 684.
  8. Yu, Z., An, B., Ramshaw, J. A., & Brodsky, B. (2014). Bacterial collagen-like proteins that form triple-helical structures. Journal of structural biology, 186(3), 451–461.
  9. Zorgani, A., Beckermann, L., Brillet, F., Yvon, P. (2023). Cutibacterium acnes: paradigm shift for skin health from pathogens to assets in healthy aging and beyond. HPC Today, 18(2), 6-9.